TypeError: xxx is not a function

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This question has been answered before, but I'm a javascript beginner and am struggling to apply other peoples solutions to my problem. I apologize in advance!

I'm following the Beginning Javascript 5th edition book and in the Objects chapter, it's making me build a Cinema booking system. I keep getting a TypeError: xxx is not a function, but I can't seem to figure out why. The code seems to be fine (it clearly isnt.. :)). The error appears as I'm initializing 'bookings' in a new array, using the Cinema() constructor. Error is on line 53.

Would love some help, the book isn't very helpful. I've checked it line by line.


//CustomerBooking type

function CustomerBooking (bookingID, customerName, film, showDate) {
this.customerName = customerName;
this.bookingID = bookingID;
this.film = film;
this.showDate = showDate;

CustomerBooking.prototype.getCustomerName = function () {
return this.customerName;

CustomerBooking.prototype.setCustomerName = function (customerName) {
this.customerName = customerName;

CustomerBooking.prototype.getShowDate = function () {
return this.showDate;

CustomerBooking.prototype.setShowDate = function (showDate) {
this.showDate = showDate;

CustomerBooking.prototype.getFilm = function () {
return this.getFilm;

CustomerBooking.prototype.setFilm = function (film) {
this.film = film;

CustomerBooking.prototype.getbookingID = function () {
return this.bookingID;

CustomerBooking.prototype.setbookingID = function (bookingID) {
this.bookingID = bookingID;

// Cinema Type

function Cinema() {
this.bookings = new Array();

Cinema.prototype.addBooking = function (bookingID, customerName, film, showDate) {
this.bookings(bookingID) = new CustomerBooking(bookingsID, customerName, film, showDate);

Cinema.prototype.getBookingsTable = function() {
var booking;
var bookingsTableHTML = "<table border=1>";

for (booking in this.bookings)
    bookingsTableHTML += "<tr><td>";
    bookingsTableHTML += this.bookings(booking).getBookingID();
    bookingsTableHTML += "</td>";

    bookingsTableHTML += "<td>";
    bookingsTableHTML += this.bookings(booking).getCustomerName();
    bookingsTableHTML += "</td>";

    bookingsTableHTML += "<td>";
    bookingsTableHTML += this.bookings(booking).getFilm();
    bookingsTableHTML += "</td>";

    bookingsTableHTML += "<td>";
    bookingsTableHTML += this.bookings(booking).getShowDate();
    bookingsTableHTML += "</td>";
    bookingsTableHTML += "</tr>";

bookingsTableHTML += "</table>";
return bookingsTableHTML;

var londonOdeon = new Cinema();
londonOdeon.addBooking(401, "AJ", "Toy Story", "1 Jan 2015");
londonOdeon.addBooking(402, "Michelle", "Silver Lining Playbook", "2 Jan 2015");
londonOdeon.addBooking(403, "James", "Terminator", "3 Jan 2015");
londonOdeon.addBooking(404, "Josh", "Balooons", "4 Jan 2015");


There are 2 best solutions below


bookings is an array. In order to access an element with a given index, you must use square brackets, not parentheses like a function call

this.bookings(booking) becomes this.bookings[booking]

You were calling this.bookings like a function, but it is actually an Array, hence the error.


This error can be caused by syntax error, as was in my case.

The function 'XXX' was declared but there was an incorrect } which caused that function not be seen by the compiler. The following is the correct code which I fixed by putting the } in the correct place as indicated int the code.

const pressHandler = (key) =>{
    setTodo((prevToDo) => {
      return prevToDo.filter(todo => todo.key != key)
  }          <----- This bracked was misplaced and appeared at the end of the block that cause the 'SubmitHandld

    const submitHandler = (text1) =>{
        return [
          {text:text1, key:Math.random().toString() },