typescript get "typeof" Generic class inside type declaration

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I'm trying to make a custom hook that gets 2 parameters:
1- a class that's actually is a mobx store
2- parameters of that class constructor
this hook is lookalike this in javascript:

 * @template T
 * @param {new() => T} Store 
 * @param {any[]} initializers
 * @returns {T} an instance of the Mobx store/viewModel
export const useMobx = (Store, initializers) => {
    const vm = useLazyRef(() => new Store(...initializers));
    return vm.current;

I just trying to rewrite it in typescript but it gets really complicated and after a lots of searches I can make it like this:

interface ClassWithConstructor<T>{
    new (name:string):T ;
type fnArgs<U,T extends ClassWithConstructor<U>> = ConstructorParameters<T> extends any[] ? ConstructorParameters<T> : never;
type UseMobxType = <U,T extends ClassWithConstructor<U>,>(Store: new(...args: fnArgs<U,T>) => U, initializers:fnArgs<U,T>) => U;
export const useMobx:UseMobxType = (Store, initializers) => {
    const vm = useLazyRef(() => new Store(...initializers));
    return vm.current;

it's works without any problem but usage was a little stupid:

useMobx<AppStatusListViewModel, typeof AppStatusListViewModel>(AppStatusListViewModel,["param1"]);

as you can see I have to pass 2 generic classes AppStatusListViewModel and typeof AppStatusListViewModel and I am wondering is there any better solution to make it easier to use for example like this:


or even this:


for more info useLazyRef source:

type initValFunctionType = ()=>any;
export const useLazyRef = (initValFunc:initValFunctionType) => {
    const ref:React.MutableRefObject<any> = useRef(null);
    if (ref.current === null) {
        ref.current = initValFunc();
    return ref;

and consider AppStatusListViewModel is just a simple ES6 class:

class AppStatusListViewModel{

There are 1 best solutions below


It seems you have over-complicated the type definitions for the custom hook.

The following type definitions should stand enough with proper type inferences & IDE intellisense.

import { useRef } from 'react'

 * @param initValFunc class instantiator function
export const useLazyRef = <T>(initValFunc: () => T) => {
    const ref = useRef<T | undefined>()
    if (ref.current === undefined) {
        ref.current = initValFunc()
    return ref

type UseMobxType = <U, T>(
    Store: new (...args: T[]) => U,
    initializers?: T[]
) => U

export const useMobx: UseMobxType = (Store, initializers = []) => {
    const vm = useLazyRef(() => new Store(...initializers))
    return vm.current!

you can check for the result & do custom manipulations using the following sandbox:
