TYPO3 11 LTS Generation of Frontend Url in REST API Context

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Hi I need some support regarding frontend url generation inside building REST API. I'm using restler for the API. I could generate the url with

$site = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SiteFinder::class)->getSiteByPageId($arguments['pageUid']);
return (string)$site->getRouter()->generateUri($arguments['pageUid'],$queryStrings);

But the problem is it is not building the extension parameters using the routing configuration. The url works as expected.

Update: To get more understanding: I added the info more. This is same like generating a frontend url in backend, scheduler task or command controller. Where GLOBALS['TSFE'] not available.

I use the above function like this.

public function generateUrl(
    int $pageId,
    array $arguments,
    bool $absolute
): string
    $site = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(SiteFinder::class)->getSiteByPageId($pageId);
    if (empty($site->getBase()->getHost()) || empty($site->getBase()->getScheme())) {
        throw new \RuntimeException(
            "Site " . $site->getIdentifier() . ' does not have proper schema or host set. Thus not usable in cli context.',
    $uri = $site
    if (empty($uri->getHost()) || empty($uri->getScheme())) {
        throw new \RuntimeException(
            'Build uri did not have proper schema or host set. Thus not usable in cli context. ' . (string)$uri,
    if (!$absolute) {
        return $uri->getPath() . (!empty($uri->getQuery()) ? '?' . $uri->getQuery() : '');
    return (string)$uri;

Any Idea ?


There are 2 best solutions below


if you have PageUid already and Arguments then you can try building URI with UriBuilder of TYPO3.

$uriBuilder = $renderingContext->getControllerContext()->getUriBuilder();

if ($pageUid > 0) {

if ($pageType > 0) {

if ($noCache === true) {

if (is_string($section)) {

if (is_string($format)) {

if (is_array($additionalParams)) {

if ($absolute === true) {

if ($addQueryString === true) {

if (is_array($argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString)) {

if ($addQueryStringMethod !== '') {

if ($linkAccessRestrictedPages === true) {

return $uriBuilder->uriFor($action, $arguments, $controller, $extensionName, $pluginName);

I got my problem. The issue was with the arguments I supplied to the generate Url function. I prepared the arguments like this:

array(3) {
  string(6) "detail"
  string(8) "Profiles"

I think about the PHP function http_build_query and prepare my arguments like the above. But it should be like this.

array(1) {
  array(3) {
    string(8) "Profiles"
    string(6) "detail"

I hope it is clear where I'm wrong :).