UIVideoEditorController allwas change the video resolution

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I am trying to trim video using UIVideoEditorController. After trimming or saving, using UIVideoEditorController lost my video resolution. I used UIImagePickerController to taking video with set resolution to UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeIFrame1280x720 and set the url path to UIVideoEditorController with property videoQuality to (iPhone 5) UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeIFrame1280x720. That same efect when I use AVFoudation framework to capture video. Why I lost resolution? My code:

  if ([UIVideoEditorController canEditVideoAtPath:self.videoPath]) {
//video quality 1280x720
  self.editor = [UIVideoEditorController new];
  self.editor.videoPath = self.videoPath;
  self.editor.videoMaximumDuration = 180.0;
  self.editor.videoQuality =

  self.editor.videoQuality =
      UIImagePickerControllerQualityType640x480; // VGA quality

  self.editor.delegate = self;

  [self.navigationController presentViewController:self.editor
} else {
  DLog(@"can't edit video at %@", self.videoPath);

in delegate:

- (void)videoEditorController:(UIVideoEditorController *)editor
     didSaveEditedVideoToPath:(NSString *)editedVideoPath {

  [self removeImage:editor.videoPath];

  [editor dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES

  AVAssetTrack *videoTrack = nil;
  AVURLAsset *asset =
      [AVAsset assetWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:editedVideoPath]];
  NSArray *videoTracks = [asset tracksWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];

  CMFormatDescriptionRef formatDescription = NULL;
  NSArray *formatDescriptions = [videoTrack formatDescriptions];
  if ([formatDescriptions count] > 0)
    formatDescription =
        (__bridge CMFormatDescriptionRef)[formatDescriptions objectAtIndex : 0];

  if ([videoTracks count] > 0)
    videoTrack = [videoTracks objectAtIndex:0];

  CGSize trackDimensions = {
      .width = 0.0, .height = 0.0,
  trackDimensions = [videoTrack naturalSize];

  int width = trackDimensions.width;
  int height = trackDimensions.height;
  DLog(@"Resolution = %d X %d", width, height); <-  640x320


  if (UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum(editedVideoPath)) {

    [self convertVideo:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:editedVideoPath]];

  } else {
    DLog(@"cannot save video on path %@", editedVideoPath);

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