Unable to backup Function/Web App using Azure Cli az webapp config backup create

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I am facing an issue when executing the Azure Cli command to backup my Azure App Service:

Cli Command :

az webapp config backup create --resource-group --webapp-name
--backup-name testbackup --container-url

I generated a new SaS key to be passed along with the command.

Is this the correct approach.

Cli Output:

{ "backupId": 64862, "backupItemName": "testbackup", "blobName": "testbackup", "correlationId": "3e9ae4d0-9aa9-46e0-9926-53ec1ef6ef2c", "created": "2020-09-22T08:50:35.555268+00:00", "databases": null, "finishedTimeStamp": null, "id": "value", "kind": null, "lastRestoreTimeStamp": null, "location": "Central US", "log": null, "name": "testbackuppr", "resourceGroup": "RG-POC", "scheduled": false, **"sizeInBytes": 0,** "status": "Created", "storageAccountUrl": "", "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites", "websiteSizeInBytes": null }

Log Information in the Portal : Storage access failed. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.. Please delete and recreate backup schedule to mitigate.

Error Message when executing the command


There are 1 best solutions below


Looks like something is not right with the Storage account or its access. Before you execute the az webapp config backup create command, please make sure that you have a valid Storage account, a storage container and a SAS token with the appropriate expiry date. The SAS token can be generated with the az storage container generate-sas command.

The following script worked for me:


expirydate=$(date -I -d "$(date) + 1 month")

# Create a Resource Group 
az group create --name $groupname --location $location

# Create a Storage Account
az storage account create --name $storagename --resource-group $groupname --location $location \
--sku Standard_LRS

# Create a storage container
az storage container create --account-name $storagename --name $container

# Generates an SAS token for the storage container, valid for one month.
# NOTE: You can use the same SAS token to make backups in App Service until --expiry
sastoken=$(az storage container generate-sas --account-name $storagename --name $container \
--expiry $expirydate --permissions rwdl --output tsv)

# Construct the SAS URL for the container

# Create an App Service plan in Standard tier. Standard tier allows one backup per day.
az appservice plan create --name $planname --resource-group $groupname --location $location \
--sku S1

# Create a web app
az webapp create --name $webappname --plan $planname --resource-group $groupname

# Create a one-time backup
az webapp config backup create --resource-group $groupname --webapp-name $webappname \
--backup-name $backupname --container-url $sasurl

# List statuses of all backups that are complete or currently executing.
az webapp config backup list --resource-group $groupname --webapp-name $webappname

Output would be similar to: Output
