Unable to deploy Git repository receiver with flux on gke cluster

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I have been getting my hands dirty by setting up a webhook receiver with flux on GKE I followed the insructions of this guide . According to it I need to deploy Git repository receiver as shown below :

apiVersion: notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
kind: Receiver
  name: webapp
  namespace: flux-system
  type: github
    - "ping"
    - "push"
    name: webhook-token
    - kind: GitRepository
      name: webapp

When i apply the same on gke cluster with k8s version 1.18.12, i get the following error

prkumar@cloudshell:~ (portworx-eng)$ kubectl apply -f GitRepository.yml
error: unable to recognize "GitRepository.yml": no matches for kind "Receiver" in version "notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1"

I tried to check if the CRD's are present but I couldn't find anything :

prkumar@cloudshell:~ (portworx-eng)$ kubectl get customresourcedefinitions --all-namespaces
NAME                                                         CREATED AT
actionapprovals.autopilot.libopenstorage.org                 2021-02-15T16:22:04Z
applicationbackups.stork.libopenstorage.org                  2021-02-15T16:22:32Z
applicationbackupschedules.stork.libopenstorage.org          2021-02-15T16:22:47Z
applicationclones.stork.libopenstorage.org                   2021-02-15T16:22:42Z
applicationregistrations.stork.libopenstorage.org            2021-02-15T16:22:27Z
applicationrestores.stork.libopenstorage.org                 2021-02-15T16:22:37Z
autopilotruleobjects.autopilot.libopenstorage.org            2021-02-15T16:21:59Z
autopilotrules.autopilot.libopenstorage.org                  2021-02-15T16:21:59Z
backendconfigs.cloud.google.com                              2021-02-15T15:35:57Z
backuplocations.stork.libopenstorage.org                     2021-02-15T16:22:22Z
clusterdomainsstatuses.stork.libopenstorage.org              2021-02-15T16:22:12Z
clusterdomainupdates.stork.libopenstorage.org                2021-02-15T16:22:17Z
clusterpairs.stork.libopenstorage.org                        2021-02-15T16:21:57Z
frontendconfigs.networking.gke.io                            2021-02-15T15:35:59Z
groupvolumesnapshots.stork.libopenstorage.org                2021-02-15T16:21:51Z
managedcertificates.networking.gke.io                        2021-02-15T15:35:22Z
migrations.stork.libopenstorage.org                          2021-02-15T16:22:02Z
migrationschedules.stork.libopenstorage.org                  2021-02-15T16:22:07Z
rules.stork.libopenstorage.org                               2021-02-15T16:21:31Z
schedulepolicies.stork.libopenstorage.org                    2021-02-15T16:21:36Z
servicenetworkendpointgroups.networking.gke.io               2021-02-15T15:35:59Z
storagestates.migration.k8s.io                               2021-02-15T15:35:26Z
storageversionmigrations.migration.k8s.io                    2021-02-15T15:35:26Z
updateinfos.nodemanagement.gke.io                            2021-02-15T15:35:27Z
volumeplacementstrategies.portworx.io                        2021-02-15T16:20:24Z
volumesnapshotclasses.snapshot.storage.k8s.io                2021-02-15T15:35:25Z
volumesnapshotcontents.snapshot.storage.k8s.io               2021-02-15T15:35:25Z
volumesnapshotdatas.volumesnapshot.external-storage.k8s.io   2021-02-15T16:21:41Z
volumesnapshotrestores.stork.libopenstorage.org              2021-02-15T16:21:46Z
volumesnapshots.snapshot.storage.k8s.io                      2021-02-15T15:35:25Z
volumesnapshots.volumesnapshot.external-storage.k8s.io       2021-02-15T16:21:41Z
volumesnapshotschedules.stork.libopenstorage.org             2021-02-15T16:21:41Z
prkumar@cloudshell:~ (portworx-eng)$


prkumar@cloudshell:~ (portworx-eng)$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
demo          podinfo-58df84dbff-4wcl4                                         1/1     Running   0          9h
demo          podinfo-58df84dbff-54rbg                                         1/1     Running   0          9h
flux          flux-86845fff46-p6bdz                                            1/1     Running   0          9h
flux          memcached-5bd7849b84-k4g2h                                       1/1     Running   0          9h
kube-system   autopilot-859d58c8c4-x59b6                                       1/1     Running   0          10h
kube-system   event-exporter-gke-564fb97f9-2l4fp                               2/2     Running   0          10h
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-j42rm                                              2/2     Running   0          10h
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-ngv2c                                              2/2     Running   0          10h
kube-system   fluentbit-gke-zqjk4                                              2/2     Running   0          10h
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-n7255                                          1/1     Running   0          10h
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-rbc2b                                          1/1     Running   1          10h
kube-system   gke-metrics-agent-wmndz                                          1/1     Running   0          10h
kube-system   kube-dns-6bd88c9b66-dtn5c                                        4/4     Running   0          10h
kube-system   kube-dns-6bd88c9b66-jkq6w                                        4/4     Running   0          10h
kube-system   kube-dns-autoscaler-7f89fb6b79-6bbn2                             1/1     Running   0          10h
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-prashanth-cluster-te-default-pool-28f88aed-0jhg   1/1     Running   0          10h
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-prashanth-cluster-te-default-pool-28f88aed-3k7t   1/1     Running   0          10h
kube-system   kube-proxy-gke-prashanth-cluster-te-default-pool-28f88aed-hrxd   1/1     Running   0          10h
kube-system   l7-default-backend-7fd66b8b88-7h8jj                              1/1     Running   0          10h

Any help or advice is most welcome.



There are 2 best solutions below


Acording to the documentation, your manifest seems to be wrong.

To deploy a Git repository with Webhook Receivers you have to bear in mind:

In order to receive Git push or Helm chart upload events, you'll have to expose the 
webhook receiver endpoint outside of your Kubernetes cluster on a public address.

What the flux documentation suggest you to do is:

  1. Create a LoadBalancer service.
  2. Assing a public addres to it.
  3. Define a Git repostory.
  4. Define a Git repository receiver.

You can follow step by step the confugartion of your files in this link of the documentation.


The issue was with the flux tool kit which was not installed. Following the documentation from the below link helped me to resolve the issue. https://github.com/fluxcd/kustomize-controller