Unable to get facebook incoming requests

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I am trying to implement send data and accept that data in my Facebook android game app.I am following https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android/send-requests/#notifications tutorial for that. I am able to send the request however I am unable to accept the data at the recipient side .

My intentUri returning null every time so that's I am unable to get requestIds.

my code for getting the data at the recipient side:

intentUri = MainActivity.this.getIntent().getData();
if (intentUri != null) {
    String requestIdParam = intentUri.getQueryParameter("request_ids");
    if (requestIdParam != null) {
        String array[] = requestIdParam.split(",");
        requestId = array[0];
        Log.i("Request id: ", "Request id: " + requestId);

        Log.i("Request id: ", "null" );

} else {
    Log.i("intentUri", "null");     //**Always printing this part**

onSessionStateChange() method for calling requestData method

private void onSessionStateChange(Session session, SessionState state,Exception exception) {
    if (state.isOpened() && requestId != null) {
        requestId = null;

I am sending request using following method :

private void sendRequestDialog() {
    Bundle params = new Bundle();
            "Learn how to make your Android apps social");
    params.putString("data", "{\"badge_of_awesomeness\":\"1\","
            + "\"social_karma\":\"5\"}");
    WebDialog requestsDialog = (new WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder(
            MainActivity.this, Session.getActiveSession(), params))
            .setOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener() {
                public void onComplete(Bundle values,
                        FacebookException error) {
                    if (error != null) {
                        if (error instanceof FacebookOperationCanceledException) {
                                    "Request cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
                        } else {
                                    "Network Error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
                    } else {
                        final String requestId = values
                        if (requestId != null) {
                                    "Request sent", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
                        } else {
                                "Request cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

Code for accepting Request as below:

private void getRequestData(final String inRequestId) {
    // Create a new request for an HTTP GET with the
    // request ID as the Graph path.
    Request request = new Request(Session.getActiveSession(), inRequestId,
            null, HttpMethod.GET, new Request.Callback() {
                public void onCompleted(Response response) {
                    // Process the returned response
                    GraphObject graphObject = response.getGraphObject();
                    FacebookRequestError error = response.getError();
                    // Default message
                    String message = "Incoming request";
                    if (graphObject != null) {
                        // Check if there is extra data
                        if (graphObject.getProperty("data") != null) {
                            try {
                                // Get the data, parse info to get the
                                // key/value info
                                JSONObject dataObject = new JSONObject(
                                        (String) graphObject
                                // Get the value for the key -
                                // badge_of_awesomeness
                                String badge = dataObject
                                // Get the value for the key - social_karma
                                String karma = dataObject
                                // Get the sender's name
                                JSONObject fromObject = (JSONObject) graphObject
                                String sender = fromObject
                                String title = sender + " sent you a gift";
                                // Create the text for the alert based on
                                // the sender
                                // and the data
                                message = title + "\n\n" + "Badge: "
                                        + badge + " Karma: " + karma;
                            } catch (JSONException e) {
                                message = "Error getting request info";
                        } else if (error != null) {
                            message = "Error getting request info";
                    Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, message,
    // Execute the request asynchronously.

Note : I am just using simple activity , I am not using fragments


There are 1 best solutions below


The method getIntent() returns the intent that started the activity. You can try overriding the Activity method

protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent)

And call

setIntent(Intent intent)

from there.

You can also try requesting your data using:

Intent intent = MainActivity.this.getIntent();
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
intentUri = (Uri)bundle.get(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);

Aside from that, where and how are you calling intent.putExtra("request_ids", data) ?

Not sure if i've fully understood your problem,

anyways, i wish you good luck.


You may want to use Intent.EXTRA_STREAM instead of Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, depending on the way you store your data