Unable to login as regular user in Youtrack 6

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I'm getting following error while trying to login as a user. But i'm able to login as an admin.

Authentication is temporarily unavailable. Please contact your server administrators.

The youtrack license that i'm using is free license, installed on a D1 azure server. YouTrack 6.0 Build 12124 [30-Oct-2014 22:27]

I googled the error message and found this https://github.com/JetBrains/youtrack-l10n/blob/master/translations/en_US/all_en.properties, in which it talks about the exception # jetbrains.charisma.authentication.LoginIsAllowedForAdminsOnlyException LoginIsAllowedForAdminsOnlyException But there is not such setting in the admin.



There are 1 best solutions below


This message is a signal of incorrect installation, that can be caused by several various reasons. As a solution please do the following:

  • Upgrade to the latest bugfix build (we fix installation problems ASAP).

  • If the message remains please submit a bug at youtrack.jetbrains.com with information about your installation type (JAR, ZIP or MSI) and build number. Please attach you instance logs to the issue.