Unable to open socket, connection timed out

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Trying to sent packages from my webhost to a game server, using this code. However it always results in Unable to open socket: Connection timed out (110) ad I can't figure out why it times out. When I try this on my localhost, it works perfectly but when on webhost, it just times out. I've tried to set the timeout to something else but it didn't help.


class RCon {
    var $Password;
    var $Host;
    var $Port = 27015;
    var $_Sock = null;
    var $_Id = 0;

    function RCon ($Host,$Port,$Password) {
        $this->Password = $Password;
        $this->Host = $Host;
        $this->Port = $Port;
        $this->_Sock = @fsockopen($this->Host,$this->Port, $errno, $errstr, 30) or
                die("Unable to open socket: $errstr ($errno)\n");


    function Auth () {
        $PackID = $this->_Write(SERVERDATA_AUTH,$this->Password);

        // Real response (id: -1 = failure)
        $ret = $this->_PacketRead();
        if ($ret[1]['id'] == -1) {
            die("Authentication Failure\n");

    function _Set_Timeout(&$res,$s,$m=0) {
        if (version_compare(phpversion(),'4.3.0','<')) {
            return socket_set_timeout($res,$s,$m);
        return stream_set_timeout($res,$s,$m);

    function _Write($cmd, $s1='', $s2='') {
        // Get and increment the packet id
        $id = ++$this->_Id;

        // Put our packet together
        $data = pack("VV",$id,$cmd).$s1.chr(0).$s2.chr(0);

        // Prefix the packet size
        $data = pack("V",strlen($data)).$data;

        // Send packet

        // In case we want it later we'll return the packet id
        return $id;

    function _PacketRead() {
        //Declare the return array
        $retarray = array();
        //Fetch the packet size
        while ($size = @fread($this->_Sock,4)) {
            $size = unpack('V1Size',$size);
            //Work around valve breaking the protocol
            if ($size["Size"] > 4096) {
                //pad with 8 nulls
                $packet = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".fread($this->_Sock,4096);
            } else {
                //Read the packet back
                $packet = fread($this->_Sock,$size["Size"]);
        return $retarray;

    function Read() {
        $Packets = $this->_PacketRead();

        foreach($Packets as $pack) {
            if (isset($ret[$pack['ID']])) {
                $ret[$pack['ID']]['S1'] .= $pack['S1'];
                $ret[$pack['ID']]['S2'] .= $pack['S1'];
            } else {
                $ret[$pack['ID']] = array(
                    'Response' => $pack['Response'],
                    'S1' => $pack['S1'],
                    'S2' => $pack['S2'],
        return $ret;

    function sendCommand($Command) {
        $Command = '"'.trim(str_replace(' ','" "', $Command)).'"';

    function rconCommand($Command) {

        $ret = $this->Read();

        //ATM: Source servers don't return the request id, but if they fix this the code below should read as
        // return $ret[$this->_Id]['S1'];
        return $ret[0]['S1'];

If I specify udp connection in fsockopen it does not timeout, however if I try tcp, it times out. Most likely caused by the host, but I have no idea where to go from this.

https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_RCON_Protocol https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Server_queries


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