Unable to parse JSON data properly from Alomafire

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I know there are various threads on this but it seems like there's a fundamental flaw in my understanding of objects in Swift.

So I have the following function that returns a JSON response as expected:

   func executeGet( completion: @escaping ([[String:Any]]?, Error?) -> Void) {
                           headers:headers).responseJSON{ response in
                    debugPrint(response) <- I get readable JSON response from here
                    if let error = response.error {
                        completion(nil, error)
                    else if let jsonArray = response.value as? [[String:Any]]{
                        completion(jsonArray, nil)
                    else if let jsonDict = response.value as? [String:Any]{
                        completion([jsonDict], nil )

And then I'm able to leverage the completion handler to read the JSON response outside of AL's scope:

            executeGet() { (json, error) in
                if let error = error{
                else if let json = json {
                    print(type(of:json)) <- did this for sanity check
                    print(json["result"][0]["capturedlists"]) <- Error No exact matches in call to subscript 

But I'm unable to just get the 'capturedLists' part of the JSON. The JSON snippet I need to capture looks as follows:


Can anyone help me figure out what am I doing wrong? I know usually you can get data from Json by something like response[a][0] but that doesn't work here for some reason.

EDIT: Upone suggestion I used Quicktype to get a struct for my response and got the following:

struct Welcome: Codable {
let statusCode: Int
let messageCode: String
let result: Result

   // MARK: - Result
 struct Result: Codable {
let id: String
let inputParameters: InputParameters
let robotID: String
let runByUserID, runByTaskMonitorID: JSONNull?
let runByAPI: Bool
let createdAt, startedAt, finishedAt: Int
let userFriendlyError: JSONNull?
let triedRecordingVideo: Bool
let videoURL: String
let videoRemovedAt: Int
let retriedOriginalTaskID: String
let retriedByTaskID: JSONNull?
let capturedDataTemporaryURL: String
let capturedTexts: CapturedTexts
let capturedScreenshots: CapturedScreenshots
let capturedLists: CapturedLists

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
    case id, inputParameters
    case robotID = "robotId"
    case runByUserID = "runByUserId"
    case runByTaskMonitorID = "runByTaskMonitorId"
    case runByAPI, createdAt, startedAt, finishedAt, userFriendlyError, triedRecordingVideo
    case videoURL = "videoUrl"
    case videoRemovedAt
    case retriedOriginalTaskID = "retriedOriginalTaskId"
    case retriedByTaskID = "retriedByTaskId"
    case capturedDataTemporaryURL = "capturedDataTemporaryUrl"
    case capturedTexts, capturedScreenshots, capturedLists

There are 1 best solutions below


.responseJSON is deprecated. Don't use it.

The error occurs because json["result"] returns Any but the compiler must know the static type for the subsequent index subscription.

As you have a Decodable model AF provides responseDecodable. Change your function to

func executeGet( completion: @escaping (Result<Welcome,Error>) -> Void) {
                       headers:headers).responseDecodable(of: Welcome.self) { response in

        switch response.result {
            case .success(let welcome): 

            case .failure(let error): 


which can even be simplified to

func executeGet( completion: @escaping (Result<Welcome,Error>) -> Void) {
                       headers:headers).responseDecodable(of: Welcome.self) { response in



And call it

executeGet() { result in
    switch result {
        case .success(let welcome): print(welcome)
        case .failure(let error): print(error)

If you get an error the model doesn't match the JSON and the error tells you exactly what's wrong