Uncaught TypeError: has no method 'storeKeyFor'

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I am new to Sproutcore and am learning the basics. I'm stuck at the following problem:

I have a model:

Myapp.Space = SC.Record.extend({
    id: SC.Record.attr(Number),
    name: SC.Record.attr(String),
    creator: SC.Record.toOne('Myapp.User', {isMaster: YES, inverse: 'space'})

Myapp.User = SC.Record.extend({
    id: SC.Record.attr(String),
    name: SC.Record.attr(String)

And a controller:

Myapp.spaces_controller = SC.ArrayController.create(
       allowsMultipleSelection: NO,
        selection: null,
        isEditable: YES

In my data source I am doing a remote GET call:

fetch: function(store, query) {
            var recordType = query.get('recordType');
            var url;
            if (recordType === Myapp.Space) {
                url = "spaces"
            SC.Request.getUrl(this.baseApiUrl(store) + url).set('isJSON', YES)
                .notify(this, this._didFetch, {
                    store: store,
                    recordType: recordType

_didFetch: function (response, params)  {
            var store = params.store,
                recordType = params.recordType;
            if (SC.$ok(response)) {
                store.loadRecords(recordType, response.get('body'));

When I call

Myapp.spaces_controller.set('content', Myapp.store.find(Myapp.Space));

(after login of the user) I get the error:

Uncaught TypeError: Object function (props) {
      this.__sc_super__ = ret.prototype;
      return this._object_init(props);
    } has no method 'storeKeyFor' javascript.js?1377681200:11281
SC.Store.SC.Object.extend.loadRecord javascript.js?1377681200:11281
SC.Store.SC.Object.extend.loadRecords javascript.js?1377681200:11337
Myapp.DataSource.SC.DataSource.extend._didFetch data_source.js?1378388369:39
SC.Response.SC.Object.extend._notifyListeners javascript.js?1377681198:392
SC.Response.SC.Object.extend.notify javascript.js?1377681198:413
(anonymous function) javascript.js?1377681198:314
SC.run javascript.js?1377681203:14741
SC.Response.SC.Object.extend.receive javascript.js?1377681198:298
SC.XHRResponse.SC.Response.extend.finishRequest javascript.js?1377681198:628
SC.mixin.handle javascript.js?1377681199:4249
(anonymous function)

I can access the objects in the response body but the store does not get the data.

I could not find any mentioning of this error online. Can anybody help?


There are 1 best solutions below


The error of Object function(props) ... has no method 'storeKeyFor' looks to me like you are attempting to call a function on a Class rather than on an actual Instance of that class.

My first guess is that your recordType is being set as an actual class rather than a string, and that may be causing some issues. In general, I would recommend using 'MyApp.Space' whenever dealing with record types as that will be evaluated and found at runtime. If it can't find it for some reason, it will throw a slightly nicer message.

Hope this helps!