I'm working on a school project, and what I need to do is to sort the elements (strings) in a circular singly linked list alphabetically.
I thought that I could create a dynamic array and fill it with the elements from the list and send the elements back to the list after the array is sorted. It works great when I first ask the program to sort it. However, when I call the sort function again it gives an error. The error occurs on the line temp[i] = head->info
. It shows me the xstring header file and says "unhandled exception".
I would be so happy if you can help me. I think what I'm missing here is a very basic thing, and I'll get better if I could learn what's wrong with this code. Thank you.
template<class T>
class Node
T Name;
T Surname;
T Email;
T PhoneNumber;
Node(T Name, T Surname, T Email, T PhoneNumber);
Node(Node& copy);
T getName();
T getSurname();
T getEmail();
T getPhoneNumber();
void setName(T Name);
void setSurname(T Surname);
void setEmail(T Email);
void setPhoneNumber(T PhoneNumber);
Node<T>& operator= (const Node&);
This is the code for the function
template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::sort()
int sizeoflist = this->size();
Node<T> *temp = new Node<T>[sizeoflist];
for(int i=0; i<sizeoflist; i++)
temp[i] = head->info;
for(int i=0; i<sizeoflist; i++)
for(int k=0; k<sizeoflist -1 -i; k++)
if(temp[k].getSurname() > temp[k+1].getSurname())
Node<T> temp2 = temp[k];
temp[k] = temp[k+1];
temp[k+1] = temp2;
for(int i=0; i<sizeoflist; i++)
delete[] temp;
Assignment operator overloading code for the Node class.
template<class T>
Node<T>& Node<T>::operator= (const Node<T>& newNode)
if(this == &newNode)
return *this;
Name = newNode.Name;
Surname = newNode.Surname;
Email = newNode.Email;
PhoneNumber = newNode.PhoneNumber;
return *this;
I realized that there is something wrong with my addToTail function. It does add new elements to tail.
However, when I use addToHead instead of addToTail in my sort function it works perfectly after the first run too.
Here is my addToTail function
template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::addToTail(Node<T> newInfo)
LinkedList<T> *node = new LinkedList<T>;
node->info = newInfo;
head = node;
tail = node;
tail->next = head;
LinkedList<T> *temp = head;
while(temp->next != head)
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = node;
node->next = head;
And addToHead function
template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::addToHead(Node<T> newinfo)
LinkedList<T>* element = new LinkedList<T>;
LinkedList<T>* temp = new LinkedList<T>;
element->info = newinfo;
head = element;
tail = element;
tail->next = head;
temp = head;
head = element;
head->next = temp;
tail->next = head;
There is an error in your
function. You don't update thetail
member variable to the new node. Also searching for the tail node usingwhile
is unnecessary because you have direct access to it viatail
.There also is an error in your
function but it's not important here. You are allocating a newtemp
node which will always leak.Perhaps fixing these errors is already enough. If it isn't you should show your
. I guess it messes with thehead
variable and will leave it in some "uninitialized or stale" state, so that the next access tohead->next