Uploading a file with AngularJS and bluimp on success callback of another form

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I have followed the following tutorial in order to integrate the notorious bluimp jQuery file uploader in my AngularJS project.

After some research I found that in the options array, witihn the jquery.fileuploader.js file, there is an option called autoUpload, which when set to true upload the file automatically. I tried to disable it(false, undefined), but quickly I learned out that this causes the upload not to function at all, not even on the form submit.

I need to trigger the upload manually, say within another callback, or by a click event. can that be done?.


app.directive("fileupload", function() {
    return {
      restrict: "A",
      scope: {
        done: "&",
        progress: "&",
        fail: "&",
        uploadurl: "=",
        customdata: "&"
      link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
        var uploadOptions;
        uploadOptions = {
          url: scope.uploadurl,
          dataType: "json"
        if (scope.done) {
          uploadOptions.done = function(e, data) {
            return scope.$apply(function() {
              return scope.done({
                e: e,
                data: data
        if (scope.fail) {
          uploadOptions.fail = function(e, data) {
            return scope.$apply(function() {
              return scope.fail({
                e: e,
                data: data
        if (scope.progress) {
          uploadOptions.progress = function(e, data) {
            return scope.$apply(function() {
              return scope.progress({
                e: e,
                data: data
        return elem.fileupload(uploadOptions).bind("fileuploadsubmit", function(e, data) {
          return data.formData = {
app.service('uploadService', function(authService) {
    var initializeFn, processFn;
    initializeFn = function(e, data, process) {
      var upload;
      return upload = {
        message: '',
        uploadurl: authService.getBaseUrl() + '/applications/',
        status: false
    processFn = function(e, data, process) {
      var file, upload;
      upload = {};
      upload.successData = [];
      upload.status = true;
      upload.error = false;
      if (process === 'done') {
        upload.message = data.result.result;
        file = data.result.resume;
        upload.successData = {
          // name: file.name,
          // fullUrl: file.url,
          // thumbUrl: file.thumbnail_url
      } else if (process === 'progress') {
        upload.message = 'Uploading....!!!';
      } else {
        upload.error = true;
        upload.message = 'Please try again';
        console.log(e, data);
      return upload;
    return {
      process: processFn,
      initialize: initializeFn


app.controller('applyCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams, uploadService){
        $scope.model.formData = {};
        $scope.model.formData.job = $routeParams.jobId;
        $scope.uploadLayer = function(e, data, process) {
          return $scope.uploadReturn = uploadService.process(e, data, process);
        $scope.customData = function() {
            return $scope.model.formData;
        return $scope.uploadReturn = uploadService.initialize();



    <form class="applyForm" ng-submit="uploadLayer(e, data, 'progress')">
            <div class="formLine">
                <div class="wideFieldContainer">
                    <input id="testUpload" type="file" fileupload customdata="customData()" name="resume" uploadurl="uploadReturn.uploadurl" done="uploadLayer(e, data, 'done')" fail="uploadLayer(e, data, 'fail')" progress="uploadLayer(e, data, 'progress')" />

scripts loading order:

    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/angular/angular-resource.js"></script>
    <script src="js/app.js"></script>
    <script src="js/services.js"></script>
    <script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
    <script src="js/filters.js"></script>
    <script src="js/directives.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/bluimp/js/vendor/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script>
    <script src="lib/bluimp/js/jquery.piframe-transport.js"></script>
     <script src="lib/bluimp/js/jquery.fileupload.js"></script>   

There are 1 best solutions below


Blueimp has an AngularJS version of jQuery File Upload available.

It includes a fileUpload directive and a FileUploadController with a submit() method that you can call manually.

You can see a working version at http://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/angularjs.html.

One thing you should pay attention to: make sure you load all .js files from the example in the correct order to avoid problems (cf. source of the example page).

Hope that helps!


When using the AngularJS version of jQuery File Upload, you create a form tag with the file-upload attribute like this:

<!-- Create a file upload form with options passed in from your scope -->
<form data-file-upload="options" data-ng-controller="YourController">

    <!-- This button will trigger a file selection dialog -->
    <span class="btn btn-success fileinput-button" ng-class="{disabled: disabled}">
        <span>Add files...</span>
        <input type="file" name="files[]" multiple="" ng-disabled="disabled">

    <!-- This button will start the upload -->
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary start" data-ng-click="submit()">
        <span>Start upload</span>


Then in your controller you can assign the options for the jQuery File Upload like this:

    .controller('YourController', [$scope, function($scope){

        // Options you want to pass to jQuery File Upload e.g.:
        $scope.options = {
            maxFileSize: 5000000,
            acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i

You can assign the submit() handler to any ng-click attribute as long as it is inside the form (and thus can access the method).

Let me know if you need further help...


If you need to run a callback function after all uploads have been completed, you can listen to the fileuploadstop event that is broadcasted by Blueimp:

// Listen to fileuploadstop event
$scope.$on('fileuploadstop', function(){

    // Your code here
    console.log('All uploads have finished');

Hope that helps!