upshot.js + signalr + knockout

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Is it possible to combine upshot/knockout with signalr (I can only find questions about knockout and signalr only)? For example if I add a Task using:

    self.addTask = function () {
        var task = new Task({
            LastUpdated : new Date().toMSJSON(),
             Title : this.newTaskText(),
             IsDone : true

in the view model, this will add it to the view automatically (based on the knockout data binding) and call:

        public void InsertTask(Task task)

in the server. What if I also want to broadcast this to other clients.. is it possible using the same libraries? If it is.. what changes should I have to do / additional things I need to do? Are there any alternatives that will make this easier but still following the upcoming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4 stack?


There are 1 best solutions below


You should be able to, On the server you can call

var connection = AspNetHost.DependencyResolver.Resolve<IConnectionManager().GetConnection<MyConnection>();
connection.Broadcast("Called from an mvc controller or server side method");

Or you could create a hub and implement it client side in the function:


to send a "addTask" message to clients.