Usage of arpack-ng/openblas/javacpp in the smile java library

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I'm trying to set up the Smile machine learning library in Java but I'm having some issues getting some dependencies to work. Currently I am on a Fedora machine, but I'd like this to work on any machine, just like a normal jar.

Here is some example code where an error occurs:

double threshold = 1;
DistanceMeasure measure = new EuclideanDistance();
double[][] data = embedding.getVectors();
AdjacencyMatrix adj = new AdjacencyMatrix(embedding.getNumberOfPoints());
  for(int i = 0; i < embedding.getNumberOfPoints(); i++) {
    for(int j = 0; j < embedding.getNumberOfPoints(); j++ ) {
        if(i == j) {
            adj.addEdge(i, j, threshold);
        double weight = measure.compute(data[i], data[j]);
        if(weight <= threshold) {
            adj.addEdge(i, j, weight);
SpectralClustering clusters =, 3); // <-- Error here
double[][] reduced =;
ScatterPlot.of(reduced, clusters.y, '*').canvas().window();

Now the SpectralClustering class makes use of some extra dependencies. From the documentation I could find (scroll down to the part that mentions 'Some algorithms rely on BLAS and LAPACK', I gather that one is supposed to add these dependencies to your pom.xml:


This, however, results in these 3 errors:

  1. no jnijavacpp in java.library.path
  2. no jniopenblas_nolapack in java.library.path
  3. no openblas_nolapack in java.library.path

So I do some more research and I come across these different dependencies. (I am not sure how '-platform' differs.) When I replace the above with these 3 new dependencies:


This time we make some progress (I hope) and get a new error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: void, byte[], int[], double[], double[], int, double, byte[], int, byte[], int, double, double[], int, double[], int, int[], int[], double[], double[], int, int[])'
at smile.math.matrix.ARPACK.syev(

Can anyone help me with the last part? Do I need to add another dependency or do I need to install software externally with 'dnf install ...'? Perhaps the Smile class needs a specific version of the dseupd_c method?



There are 2 best solutions below


Wow, it seems I was near to finding the answer myself. It turns out you need to use the '-platform' version and these specific versions in your pom.xml:


This made my code run without error. I hope this will be of use to someone else some day.



Very helpful thread, thanks! Here's my contribution:

The versions change over time, so just match them up to what you find here:

which at this time is:
