Usage of parceler (@Parcel) with (Android)

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I have the following code which produces the error: Error:Parceler: Unable to find read/write generator for type io.realm.Realm for io.realm.RealmObject.realm

It was working all fine without extends RealmObject , however I want to use Realm to put to database easily. Is there a way to exlcude the RealmObject fields and just use the basic pojo fields for @Parcel?

public class Feed extends RealmObject{
    int id;
    public String text;
    public String time_created;
    String time_modified;
    int comments_count;
    int likes_count;
    String feed_type;
    int obj_id;
    String image;
    String user_name;
    String user_earthmile_points;
    boolean liked;
    boolean commented;
    boolean is_private;
    String url;
    int feed_creator_id;


There are 2 best solutions below


EDIT #2: Actually, I found a way to make it work :). See the updated answer below.

EDIT #1: While the app compiles just fine, it crashes when trying to actually create a Parcel with the error: org.parceler.ParcelerRuntimeException: Unable to create ParcelableFactory for io.realm.FeedRealmProxy. The Realm team has officially acknowledged that it is currently not possible to implement Parcelable on RealmObjects. It is unclear if / when this will be resolved.

With Parceler v0.2.16, you can do this:

@RealmClass      // required if using JDK 1.6 (unrelated to Parceler issue)
@Parcel(value = Parcel.Serialization.BEAN, analyze = { Feed.class })
public class Feed extends RealmObject {
    // ...

Then, use Parcels.wrap(Feed.class, feed) instead of Parcels.wrap(feed) everywhere, otherwise your app will crash with org.parceler.ParcelerRuntimeException: Unable to create ParcelableFactory for io.realm.FeedRealmProxy.


All classes that extend RealmObject will have a matching RealmProxy class created by the annotation processor. Parceler must be made aware of this class. Note that the class is not available until the project has been compiled at least once.

@Parcel(implementations = { PersonRealmProxy.class },
    value = Parcel.Serialization.BEAN,
    analyze = { Person.class })
public class Person extends RealmObject {
// ...}