Use Elasticsearch significant-tems aggregation with SparkSQL

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I am writing/reading datas between Spark dataframes and Elasticsearch using the following code :

.option("es.nodes" , [MY_ES_IP])




val df ="org.elasticsearch.spark.sql")
     .option("es.nodes" , [MY_ES_IP])



I want to retrieve the result of a significant-terms request on my datas, but I can't find any example on how to achieve this using Spark.

The DSL request I would like to do :

    "query" : {
        "terms" : {[BUCKET REQUEST]}
    "aggregations" : {
        "significant_elements" : {
            "significant_terms" : { "field" : [FIELD NAME] }

Is there any way to achieve that using only the org.elasticsearch.spark.sql lib?


I tried solving the problem with :

val myquery = "{\"query\" : {\"terms\" : [BUCKET REQUEST]},\"aggregations\" : {\"significant_elements\" : {\"significant_terms\" : { \"field\" : [FIELD NAME]}}}}"

val df ="org.elasticsearch.spark.sql")
                     .option("es.nodes" , [MY_ES_IP])


                     .option("query", myquery)
                     .option("pushdown", "true")

But the dataframe I get in result is the result of the bucket request only. I'm still looking for how to get the 'significant score' for each [FIELD NAME]


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