Use inferno-devtools in a chrome extension

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I'm working on a chrome extension popup that uses inferno. So far, my inferno components themselves are rendering just fine in the popup, so inferno itself is working.

I installed inferno-devtools in my dependencies.


  "name": "Workflow",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "browser_action": {
    "name": "Workflow",
    "default_popup": "/index.html"
  "permissions":["tabs", "storage", "*://*" ]

index.html has <div id="root"></div> in the body and a <script> tag that loads the js.

In my main js file I have the following:

import Inferno from 'inferno'
... // other imports

// redux store code

  <Provider store={store}>
    <WorkflowApp />

<WorkflowApp /> can be any connected inferno functional component (via inferno-redux's connect method). This is all rendering fine in the popup and is arbitrary, so I'm omitting it here.

The problem: in Chrome devtools I do not see the React tab showing up. I have a separate React-based application that I use the React devtools on where it shows up just fine, so it's installed and working well.

Is there something specific I need to do to get it to work with inferno in a Chrome extension?


There are 1 best solutions below


You got to just run imported init function like this: require('inferno-devtools').initDevTools() or

import { initDevTools } from 'inferno-devtools';