Using and Creating helper in MVC4 Web Application

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I am using the mvc4 WebRole, and I found this is a Web Application , Not a Web Site. after reading this article, I knew how to add customer Helper function in Asp.MVC4. In Web Site Appliction I can add a cshtml file in app_code folder like below so that I can use my custom helper method in another cshtml.

  @helper  HotDeployButton(string value, string url , bool enable= true){

      string enablestr = string.Empty;
      if (!enable)
          enablestr = "disabled=\"disabled\"";

      <input type="button"  name="@value" value="@value" onclick=" window.location.href='@url'" class="mobile-button"  @enablestr />

  @helper Img(string picName, string alt ){

      string root = "/content/themes/default/images/";
      string imgurl = root + picName;

      <img  alt="@alt" src="@imgurl" title="@alt" />


In Another cshtml shown below will use HotDeployButton method.

<div class="bottom-div">
            @Html.Hidden("hdSelMinorPackId", "")
            <!--Html.Hidden("randomId", (object)ViewBag.RandomId)-->
            <input type="submit" name="ExcuteDeploy" id="ExcuteDeploy" value="Deploy" onclick="return validateVersion();"
                class="mobile-button" />
            @Helpers.HotDeployButton("Back", Url.Action("Index"))

But in Web Application there is no App_code Folder in project. I don't know how to make it in a Web Application . please help me .Thanks


There are 1 best solutions below


The directory is not created with the default Web Application project template so you just need to create the App_Code folder by hand and it should work (right click on the project -> Add -> New Folder).

If you've done it right it will have a special icon:

enter image description here

By the way this is the first step in your linked tutorial:

Creating a Helper

This procedure shows you how to create the helper that creates the note, as just described. This is a simple example, but the custom helper can include any markup and ASP.NET code that you need.

  1. In the root folder of the website, create a folder named App_Code. This is a reserved folder name in ASP.NET where you can put code for components like helpers.