Using DynamoDB's updateItem with a numeric value

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I am trying to update a record in DynamoDB using updateItem as part of version 3 of the PHP AWS SDK.

The field I am trying to update should contain a numeric value.

If I run this code I get an error:

$params = array(
    'TableName' => $table,
    'Key' => array('id' => array('S' => $id) ),
    'UpdateExpression' => 'set newField = :val',
    'ExpressionAttributeValues' => array(
        ':val'  => array('N' => 99)
    'ReturnValues' => 'ALL_NEW'


$result = $client->updateItem($params);


Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` 
response: {"__type":"","Message":"NUMBER_VALUE cannot be converted to String"}

But if I amend:

':val'  => array('N' => 99)

To be:

':val'  => array('N' => "99")


':val'  => array('N' => (string)99)

Then the request is successful and Dynamo is updated. If I go to the Dynamo console then I can see the updated record and the field correctly shows as a Number type.

Is there a better way to handle the process of updating DynamoDB records with integers, casting as a string so that the PHP SDK works doesn't seem like the best approach?


There are 1 best solutions below


All DynamoDB SDKs afaik originally expected numeric values to be presented as strings, but subsequently various marshaling enhancements have brought native type support.

I don't use PHP, but see DynamoDB JSON and Array Marshaling for PHP.