Using k8s secrets in concourse pipeline

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This question is similar to this one Concourse CI can't find kubernetes secrets . However, the marked solution in it did not work for me.

I have setup concourse using this helm chart

My release name is concourse-ci. So, my namespace prefix is concourse-ci- and the team name is main.

So, following the documentation I created my secrets like this

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: git
  namespace: concourse-ci-main
type: Opaque
data: #Base 64 (can be removed)
  username: <base64 encoded username>
  password: <base64 encoded password>

In mu pipeline, I have the following:

- name: my-repo
  type: git
    uri: <my-uri>
    branch: develop
    username: ((git.username))
    password: ((git.password))

When, I execute the pipeline with the above code, it gets' stuck. However, if I replace ((git.username)) and ((git.password)) with the actual values, it works perfectly fine.

Am I missing something? I tried creating the secret in concourse-ci instead of concourse-ci-main, but I still get the same error.

I have the following in values.yml

  enabled: true


  # true here enables creation of rbac resources
  create: false

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