Using Mode=TwoWay and AutogenerateColumns=True in Silverlight 3 DataGrid

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My List<BusinessObject> has some public properties that I want to bind to columns in a DataGrid. Unfortunately, the names of the public properties are not good and I may not even know what they are until runtime. For this reason, I set AutoGenerateColumns=True and interecept each DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEvent so I can inspect what it is and either cancel it, hide it, or name the header something else.

It works great but I cannot figure out how to set the Mode=TwoWay so that my INotifyPropertyChanged events get fired once all the columns are generated and somebody edits a cell.

Bonus question: On navigating up and down the rows of the grid, does the grid's datacontext automatically get set with that row's BusinessObject?


There are 2 best solutions below


Thanks to this post, I learned that the binding happens on DataGridTextColumn. So the way to set the Mode at runtime is:

1    private void DataGrid1_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
2    {
3        DataGridTextColumn tc = (DataGridTextColumn)e.Column;
4        tc.Header = "Custom Header";
5        tc.Binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
6    }

Now that I have TwoWay binding, I have to figure out how changes make it back to my BusinessObject.


If the binding is correct your business objects will automatically receive the required updates. To do you binding programmatically you might need a little more code, something like:

Binding binding = new Binding("Propertyname");
tc.binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;