Using pytest and hypothesis, how can I make a test immediately return after discovering the first counterexample?

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I'm developing a library, and I'm using hypothesis to test it. I usually sketch out a (buggy) implementation of a function, implement tests, then iterate by fixing errors and running tests. Usually these errors are very simple (e.g., a typo), and I don't need simplified test cases to figure out the issue. For example:

def foo(value):
    return vslue + 1 # a silly typo

def test_foo(x):
    assert foo(x) == x + 1

How can I make hypothesis stop generating test cases as soon as it has found a single counterexample? Ideally, this would be using commandline flags to pytest.


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Building on my comment from earlier - did you look at this?

Looks like there's some support for having different "Setting Profiles". I bet you could have one where you eliminate the Shrinking phase. Maybe that's the way to do.

Yeah! That's probably it :) That gets you this command line option:

pytest tests --hypothesis-profile <profile-name>

So, in summary:

In your

from hypothesis import settings, Phase
settings.register_profile("failfast", phases=[Phase.explicit, Phase.reuse, Phase.generate])

And then run it with: pytest tests --hypothesis-profile failfast