Validate username and password without authenticating the user

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Using Asp.Net Identity 2.x with WebApi 2.x (both latest), is it possible to just validate a given username and password in order to know if the provided information is valid, without actually authenticating the user?

I am working on a partial login in our identity service and it's essential that I don't authenticate the user till the approval of EULA licanse agreement after providing the valid credentials. That is where I'am struggling...

Sorry for not providing any code, I hope the problem is obvious :)


There are 1 best solutions below


If you have created/defined a UserManager (see here) in your project you can try to find your user by his/her username and, if found, call VerifyHashedPassword method using the PasswordHasher member.

string userName = "my-user-name";
string password = "my-password";

var user = await ApplicationUserManager.FindByNameAsync(userName);
if (user != null)
    PasswordVerificationResult result = ApplicationUserManager.PasswordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword(user.PasswordHash, password);

It returns a PasswordVerificationResult: Failed, Success, SuccessRehashNeeded.


ApplicationUserManager is my implementation of UserManager.