Validation Exception - the right way to handle

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I am trying to validate the postal code in my but the approach i am thinking of is not working out and I can't understand why.

I created a Validator, that hast to throw a ValidationException if it's not valid.

public class ZipCodeValidator{

    public void validate(String zipCode){

    private void validateNotEmpty(String zipCode){
       if (zipCode.length() != 0){
           throw new ValidationException("Postal Code can't be empty");

    private void validateHasNoSpaces(String zipCode) {
        if (zipCode.contains(" ")){
            throw new ValidationException("Postal Code can't contain spaces");


In my service, where i receive the postal code I want to throw my custom exception (to which i pass the error message) like this:

    }catch (ValidationException ex){
        throw new ZipCodeValidationException(ex.getMessage());

However it doesn't seem to work, that exception is not caught so the program runs further.

What am I doing wrong?

Is the whole approach wrong? What would you recommend?

Here's my custom Exception

public class ZipCodeValidationException extends Exception{
    public ZipCodeValidationException(String message) {

There are 2 best solutions below


I recommend the following:

  • to process all exceptions in universal place as ExceptionHandler class, for more details see:
  • you can extend ValidationException from RuntimeException, that approach will allow unloading the code from try-catch constructions
  • @Service annotation is not quite right for converters or validators, as rule @Service class contains business logic, for helpers classes will be better use @Component, in total no differences between these two annotations only understanding which layer of application that component has

Please share the code for more suggestions and help.


Hi Please find my answer in 2 steps, first the correct and then the second the suggested way to implement.


Please use ObjectUtils.isEmpty(arg) for checking if string is 0 length or null. Here is the modified version of your code

public interface ZipcodeService {
        void validate(@Zipcode String zipCode) throws ZipCodeValidationException;

    public static class ZipcodeServiceImpl implements ZipcodeService {
        private final ZipCodeRegexMatcher zipCodeRegexMatcher;

        public ZipcodeServiceImpl() {
            zipCodeRegexMatcher = new ZipCodeRegexMatcher();

        public void validate(String zipCode) throws ZipCodeValidationException {
            // uncomment for Regex Validation
            // boolean valid = zipCodeRegexMatcher.isValid(zipCode);
            // uncomment for Simple text validation
            final boolean valid = !ObjectUtils.isEmpty(zipCode);

            if (!valid) {
                throw new ZipCodeValidationException("Invalid zipcode");

This is how the caller looks like from Controller

@GetMapping(path = "dummy")
    public String getDummy(@RequestParam("zipcode") String zipCode) {
        try {
            return zipCode;
        } catch (ZipCodeValidationException e) {
            return e.getMessage();

Suggested way:

add following entry to pom.xml


Create Annotation and Validator as given below

@Constraint(validatedBy = {ZipcodeValidator.class})
    @Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
    public @interface Zipcode {
        String message() default "Invalid Zipcode value";

        Class<?>[] groups() default {};

        Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};

    public static class ZipcodeValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Zipcode, String> {
        private final ZipCodeRegexMatcher zipCodeRegexMatcher;

        public ZipcodeValidator() {
            zipCodeRegexMatcher = new ZipCodeRegexMatcher();

        public boolean isValid(String zipCode, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
            return zipCodeRegexMatcher.isValid(zipCode);

Once this setup is done, head over to Controller class and annotated class with @Validated and field you want to have validation on with the Custom Annotation i.e Zipcode we have just created. We are creating a Custom Validator in this case ZipcodeValidator by extending ConstraintValidator.

This is how the caller looks like:

    public String get(@Zipcode @RequestParam("zipcode") String zipCode) {
        return zipCode;

On Failed validation, it throws javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException: get.zipCode: Invalid Zipcode value which you can customize according to your need by using ControllerAdvice.

You can also use @Zipcode annotation at the service level and it works the same way. Regarding ZipCodeRegexMatcher instead of creating it inside the constructor you can create a bean and inject that dependency. It is a simple class that has regex for zipcode and performs validation.

public static class ZipCodeRegexMatcher {
        public static final String ZIP_REGEX = "^[0-9]{5}(?:-[0-9]{4})?$";
        private final Pattern pattern;

        public ZipCodeRegexMatcher() {
            pattern = Pattern.compile(ZIP_REGEX);

        public boolean isValid(String zipCode) {
            return pattern.matcher(zipCode).matches();

The entire code is located here