VBA functions in one workbook, but not another, no errors found

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I have an .xlsm workbook where this VBA (see below) interacts with a Word Document to replace field codes. Seems straight forward, and it worked great...

Then I copied and pasted the code into a new .xlsm, checked the cells, sheet names, and contents, all is the same! The VBA will run, and I get no errors. However, with the new .xlsm, the field codes will no longer be replaced in the document! I have not found anything online which is helpful... Thoughts?

as a side note, I'm not sure if this is related or not, but my "num lock" turns on/off at times during testing this script/function.

Sub Exl_to_Wrd_FieldReplace()
' Exl_to_Wrd_FieldReplaceMacro
' Setup info for document and captures default DIR for Document
    Dim wordapp As Object
    Dim folderPath As String
    Dim wordDoc As String
    folderPath = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path
    wordDoc = folderPath & "\TestDoc.docx"
' Assign Excel cell values for Field Code Text Replacement
    Dim CaseNum As String: CaseNum = Range("C36").Value
    Dim P1LastName As String: P1LastName = Range("C41").Value
    Dim P2FInl As String: P2FInl = Range("C53").Value
    Dim P2LastName As String: P2LastName = Range("C54").Value
    Dim P2ID As String: P2ID = Range("C55").Value
' Open Word application and document
    Set wordapp = CreateObject("word.Application")
    wordapp.Documents.Open (wordDoc) 'Uses path from above & Doc name
    wordapp.Visible = True
' Converts Field Vaule text to Field Codes (i.e. ALT + F9)
    SendKeys "%{F9}"
' Starts the Find Command to replace field code with hard coded text
    With wordapp.ActiveDocument.Content.Find
' Finds 1st field code
        .Text = "^d DOCPROPERTY  IBA|CaseNumber  \* MERGEFORMAT"
        .Replacement.Text = CaseNum
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
' Finds 2nd field code
        .Text = "^d DOCPROPERTY  IBA|P1LastName  \* MERGEFORMAT"
        .Replacement.Text = P1LastName
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
' Finds 3rd field code
        .Text = "^d DOCPROPERTY  IBA|P2FirstInitial  \* MERGEFORMAT"
        .Replacement.Text = P2FInl 
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
' Finds 4th field code
        .Text = "^d DOCPROPERTY  IBA|P2LastName  \* MERGEFORMAT"
        .Replacement.Text = P2LastName 
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
' Finds 5th field code
        .Text = "^d DOCPROPERTY  IBA|P2Number  \* MERGEFORMAT"
        .Replacement.Text = P2ID
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
    End With
' Converts Field Codes back to Field Vaule text (i.e. ALT + F9)
    SendKeys "%{F9}"
' It is ok to leave doc open, user needs to do final check/edit before save
End Sub

I checked both excel sheets, links, VBA and Xml, all is the same.


There are 1 best solutions below


Using SendKeys usually is highly unreliable. To toggle the display of fields in word, you can use ShowFieldCodes, which is a Property of a View-object, and that is a property of a Window.

With wordApp.ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View
    .ShowFieldCodes = True                 ' Shows the Code
    .ShowFieldCodes = False                ' Shows the Content 
    .ShowFieldCodes = Not .ShowFieldCodes  ' Toggles the setting (this is what Alt+F9 does) 
End With