vcpkg fatal error: 'muParser.h' file not found even though the file exists

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I have OS X Mojave.

I'm trying out vcpkg and even though I installed muParser and it exists at ‎⁨Macintosh HD⁩ ▸ ⁨Users⁩ ▸ ⁨dchambers⁩ ▸ ⁨vcpkg⁩ ▸ ⁨installed⁩ ▸ ⁨x64-osx⁩ ▸ ⁨include⁩ AND I get no red underlining on #include "muParser.h" but DO on a deliberate typo such as #include "muParserX.h" I get the error:

test.cpp:2:10: fatal error: 'muParser.h' file not found include "muParser.h"

...when I try to build.

As a test, I included a header #include "gmp.h" from the 'normal' path: /usr/local/Cellar/gmp/6.1.2_2/include/gmp.h (actually an alias from usr/local/include) and all is fine for that.

Here's my Visual Studio Code setup and the file:


#include <iostream>
#include "muParser.h"
#include "gmp.h"

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// insert code here...
std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";

return 0;


"configurations": [
        "name": "Mac",
        "includePath": [
        "defines": [],
        "macFrameworkPath": [
        "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
        "cStandard": "c11",
        "cppStandard": "c++17",
        "intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64"
"version": 4


// See
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
        "label": "echo",
        "type": "shell",
        "command": "g++",
        "args": [
        "group": {
            "kind": "build",
            "isDefault": true

Any ideas?


This is a problem with Visual Studio Code, described here.

From the command line, the following works fine, telling the command where the libs are:

g++ -I ~/vcpkg/installed/x64-osx/include/ test.cpp. Thanks to roschuma for his answer.


There are 1 best solutions below


This is a discrepancy between the intellisense engine running in VSCode (which powers the squiggles) and your actual compilation command line (which powers the compile errors) :)

Specifically, you'll need to add "-I${vcpkgRoot}/x64-osx/include" to the list of g++ arguments in the second file.