VersionOne: query.v1 how to generate a .V1.Ticket.VersionOne.Web ticket for client.Headers["Cookie"]

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I have access to Summer2013 of Versionone. I am trying to access it via new query.v1 using the Json Example which uses a client header cookie that looks like this:

_client.Headers["Cookie"] = ".V1.Ticket.VersionOne.Web=" + ticket;

How do I generate a .V1.Ticket.VersionOne.Web ticket for the cookie?

Json Example:

Note: I have generated a OAuth 2 token via these directions but it doesn't contain a ticket.

Here's the code:

namespace V1Json
    class JsonClient
        private readonly Uri _url;
        private readonly string _ticket;
        private WebClient _client;

        public JsonClient(string url, string ticket)
            _url = new Uri(url);
            _ticket = ticket;
            _client = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 };
           _client.Headers["Cookie"] = ".V1.Ticket.VersionOne.Web=" + ticket;

        public List<List<dynamic>> GetResultSets(string querybody)
            var resultbody = _client.UploadString(_url, "SEARCH", querybody);
            return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<List<dynamic>>>(resultbody);

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var url = "";
             var authTicket = "AAEAAGvqd3ylmW0FphkxxxHASSMoCrEa...";

            var client = new JsonClient(url, authTicket);

There are 1 best solutions below


I've just updated that example for you, including making it work with the new OAuth2Client code that Joe Koberg created recently.

The new version of the sample includes stored_credentials.json and client_secrets.json files that have already been set up to work against our public test server at To see the projects there or modify some of the data, use admin / admin to login.

It includes a simple JsonClient which utilizes Newtonsoft to parse the JSON returned from the server.

It's still located at

Using the JsonClient example looks like this:

IStorage credentials = new Storage.JsonFileStorage(
            "../../client_secrets.json", "../../stored_credentials.json");
        const string scopes = "query-api-1.0 apiv1";
        const string url = "";

var client = new JsonClient(credentials, url, scopes);

const string queryBody = @"
from: Scope
    - Name
    - Workitems.@Count
    - Workitems:PrimaryWorkitem.@Count
    - Workitems:PrimaryWorkitem[Estimate>'0'].@Count
    - Workitems:PrimaryWorkitem[Estimate='0'].@Count
    - Workitems:PrimaryWorkitem[Estimate>'0'].Estimate.@Sum
    - from: Workitems:PrimaryWorkitem[Estimate>'0']
        - Name
        - Estimate
        var resultSets = client.GetResultSets(queryBody).ToArray();

        foreach (var result in resultSets[0]) // Rember that query.v1 returns a resultSet of resultSets!
            Console.WriteLine("Total # of workitems: " + result["Workitems.@Count"]);
            Console.WriteLine("Total # of Primary workitems: " + result["Workitems:PrimaryWorkitem.@Count"]);
            Console.WriteLine("Total # of Estimated Primary workitems: " +
            Console.WriteLine("Total # of Unestimated Primary workitems: " +
            Console.WriteLine("Sum of all Estimated Primary workitems: " +
            foreach (var estimatedWorkitem in result["Workitems:PrimaryWorkitem[Estimate>'0']"])
                Console.WriteLine(estimatedWorkitem["Name"] + " : " + estimatedWorkitem["Estimate"]);

        Console.Write("Press any key to exit...");