Vert.x "Cannot assign requested address" errors caused by high throughput

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I"m doing a stress test on vert.x application and send ~10K RPS. My application send an http async request from a dedicated verticle. I"m using vert.x http client, and see that around 20 seconds my application sent the http requests successfully. After 20 seconds i"m starting to get a lot of "Cannot assign requested address" errors.

I tried to deploy more verticles, to set different values to the http client thread pool and nothing helped to solve the issue. I guess that the issue related to the high throughput in a short time around 1 minute.

Main Class:

 public static void main(String[] args) {

final VertxOptions vertxOptions = new VertxOptions()

final Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(vertxOptions);

final Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new Dependencies(vertx));


final Stream<Future<String>> deploymentFutures = Stream.of(
        deployWorker(vertx, injector, StatsHttpVerticle.class, 10)
).flatMap(stream -> stream);

        .onSuccess(successfulCompositeFuture -> { });}

private static <T> Stream<Future<String>> deployWorker(Vertx vertx, Injector injector, Class<T> workerVerticleClass, int numVerticles) {
    final String poolName = workerVerticleClass.getSimpleName()
            .replace("verticle", "-worker-pool");
    final int numberOfThreads = 50;

    final DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions()

    return IntStream.range(0, numVerticles)
            .mapToObj(ignore -> Future.future((Promise<String> promise) ->
                    vertx.deployVerticle((Verticle) injector.getInstance(workerVerticleClass), options, promise)));


  public void send(Map<String, Object> queryParams, HashMap<String, String> headers, boolean followRedirect, Event eventToFire) {
    StatsRequest statsRequest = new StatsRequest(queryParams, headers, eventToFire, followRedirect);


  public void start(Promise<Void> startPromise) throws Exception {
    vertx.eventBus().consumer(FIRE_GET_METRIC_TO_STATS, this::fire);

  private void fire(Message<StatsRequest> message) {
    StatsRequest body = message.body();
    MultiMap multimapHeader = MultiMap.caseInsensitiveMultiMap();

    WebClientOptions webClientOptions = new WebClientOptions();
    WebClient httpClient = WebClient.create(vertx, webClientOptions);

    httpClient.request(HttpMethod.GET, port, "", "/1x1.gif" + "?" + "queryParamsString")
            .onSuccess(response -> {
    "All good");
            .onFailure(err -> {
              logger.error("Exception: " + err.getMessage());

How can i solve this issue?


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