Video player using j2me to play mp4 from a directory

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I want to develop a j2me application that will play a video file(.mp4) by selecting a particular directory on mobile phone(nokia s40 series).

How do i go about this?can anyone help me to initiate the above said process.


There are 1 best solutions below


You need to use JSR-135 and JSR-75 to accomplish this. Check for Nokia implementation notes for JSR-75 FileConnection.

Check for Nokia implementation notes for JSR-135 Mobile Media.

The Javadocs can be found: and .

Note that only certain directories are exposed via Java ME. You can find information on which folders under the System properties link in the JSR-75 link above.

Basically you want to do this:

  • Use FileConnection to open a directory and list it contents.
  • Let the user choose one of the files in the directory.
  • Create a video player via JSR-135 with the file path as input: Player player = Manager.createPlayer("path_to_the_file");
  • You also have to attach a VideoControl to the player that associoates a canvas/form to render the video on. (Use VideoControl.initDisplayMode). You also set all the video properties via this control, such as size, location etc.
  • Then use player.start() to start the playback.

This is a pretty good starting tutorial: