ViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning Bug

54 Views Asked by At

I am presenting a viewController with modalPresentationStyle set to UIModalPresentationCustom and with my custom transitioningDelegate. I successfully tested a non-interactive transition at first, then I wanted to go deeper and add an interactiveTransition, but only for dismissal.

[VIDEO] iOS7 custom transitioningDelegate demo

The demo video speaks for itself, as you can see in iOS7 when touch event triggers interactiveTransitioning and I cancel the dismissal, if I try to rotate, the presentedViewController has unexpected behaviour and goes fullscreen, otherwise the rotate works as it should.

I noticed that before rotating, if the interactiveTransitioning was triggered, in the mainViewController - willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration: the self.presentedViewController is nil, which is obviously a bug.

How can I fix this?

Note: in iOS8 ALL works perfectly, and the self.presentedViewController is never nilled out when it is not the case!


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