Vim - command - T

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I have made the move from TextMate to VIM. I can not use macvim, policy at work does not allow me to install it. I have tried installing command-t to give me "go to file" functionality. However as I am using VIM with the osx terminal, when I press command-t it opens a new tab.

I have now decided to try FuzzyFinder but can not figure out how to search across a directory recursively for a file with it, could anyone show me how to go to a file like command-t but using FuzzyFinder. :-/


There are 3 best solutions below


Command-T describes its intended use inside MacVim. If you want to use it inside terminal Vim, use the default binding <Leader>t (by default, <Leader> is the backslash key). You can remap this in your Vim config if you'd rather use a modifier key binding.


You could map it to ctrl or shift easily, which won't conflict with your OS like command, via:

nmap <C-t> :CommandT<CR>

# or

nmap T :CommandT<CR>

In normal fuzzyfinder to search through a directory you can use file globs, like **, e.g., at the fuzzyfinder prompt:


Will search all directories under the current directory for your pattern. Just be wary not to try to do that on large filesystems, or you're going to be waiting a while and/or running out of memory. It will index the tree in memory after the first search though, and will be faster afterwards.


Fuzzy finder is not under active development. You're way better off with the awesome Command-t. The problem is terminal Vim does support it because terminal Vim needs to be built with Ruby support. It's fairly straightforward to build Vim from source to enable this.

Guide for Snow Leopard but works for Lion too. You'll need to have XCode installed, not just the GCC compiler.