Vimeo API password protected video does not load

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I have a single web page with an embedded Vimeo video.

I am using javascript and froogaloop for the listening functions and have got it to work. On finish the web page is redirected and I have coded it so that the player cannot be skipped forward.

The Vimeo video I am using is password protected so the first thing that it prompts for when the page/video loads is the password. When I enter the password it starts at the beginning of the video but the ready event does not work (or pick up that there is even a video there). I have two buttons under the video, play and pause. These do not work, but I can play the video via the play icon actually on the video. So the video will play but not with the froogaloop functionality.

    var vimeoPlayers = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'),

            for (var i = 0, length = vimeoPlayers.length; i < length; i++) {
                player = vimeoPlayers[i];
                $f(player).addEvent('ready', ready);

                    <dd><button class="play">Play</button></dd>
                    <dd><button class="pause">Pause</button></dd>

If I refresh the page it will detect the player and video. All the functionality of froogaloop then works.

I need to have the video password protected. Is there another way to detect the Vimeo video or can anyone think of a fix?

Full javascript code:


            // Listen for the ready event for any vimeo video players on the page
            var vimeoPlayers = document.querySelectorAll('iframe'),

            for (var i = 0, length = vimeoPlayers.length; i < length; i++) {
                player = vimeoPlayers[i];
                $f(player).addEvent('ready', ready);



             * Utility function for adding an event. Handles the inconsistencies
             * between the W3C method for adding events (addEventListener) and
             * IE's (attachEvent).
            function addEvent(element, eventName, callback) {
                if (element.addEventListener) {
                    element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, false);
                else {
                    element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, callback);

             * Called once a vimeo player is loaded and ready to receive
             * commands. You can add events and make api calls only after this
             * function has been called.
            function ready(player_id) {
                // Keep a reference to Froogaloop for this player
                var container = document.getElementById(player_id).parentElement.parentElement,
                    froogaloop = $f(player_id),
                    apiConsole = container.querySelector('.console .output');

                 * Prepends log messages to the example console for you to see.
                function apiLog(message) {
                    apiConsole.innerHTML = message + '\n' + apiConsole.innerHTML;

                 * Sets up the actions for the buttons that will perform simple
                 * api calls to Froogaloop (play, pause, etc.). These api methods
                 * are actions performed on the player that take no parameters and
                 * return no values.
                function setupSimpleButtons() {
                    var buttons = container.querySelector('div dl.simple'),
                        playBtn = buttons.querySelector('.play'),
                        pauseBtn = buttons.querySelector('.pause'),
                        unloadBtn = buttons.querySelector('.unload');

                    // Call play when play button clicked
                    addEvent(playBtn, 'click', function() {
                    }, false);

                    // Call pause when pause button clicked
                    addEvent(pauseBtn, 'click', function() {
                    }, false);

                    // Call unload when unload button clicked
                    addEvent(unloadBtn, 'click', function() {
                    }, false);

                 * Sets up the actions for the buttons that will modify certain
                 * things about the player and the video in it. These methods
                 * take a parameter, such as a color value when setting a color.
                function setupModifierButtons() {
                    var buttons = container.querySelector('div dl.modifiers'),
                        seekBtn = buttons.querySelector('.seek'),
                        volumeBtn = buttons.querySelector('.volume'),
                        loopBtn = buttons.querySelector('.loop'),
                        colorBtn = buttons.querySelector('.color'),
                        randomColorBtn = buttons.querySelector('.randomColor'),
                        loadVideoBtn = buttons.querySelector('.load');

                    // Call seekTo when seek button clicked
                    addEvent(seekBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        // Don't do anything if clicking on anything but the button (such as the input field)
                        if ( != this) {
                            return false;

                        // Grab the value in the input field
                        var seekVal = this.querySelector('input').value;

                        // Call the api via froogaloop
                        froogaloop.api('seekTo', seekVal);
                    }, false);

                    // Call setVolume when volume button clicked
                    addEvent(volumeBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        // Don't do anything if clicking on anything but the button (such as the input field)
                        if ( != this) {
                            return false;

                        // Grab the value in the input field
                        var volumeVal = this.querySelector('input').value;

                        // Call the api via froogaloop
                        froogaloop.api('setVolume', volumeVal);
                    }, false);

                    // Call setLoop when loop button clicked
                    addEvent(loopBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        // Don't do anything if clicking on anything but the button (such as the input field)
                        if ( != this) {
                            return false;

                        // Grab the value in the input field
                        var loopVal = this.querySelector('input').value;

                        //Call the api via froogaloop
                        froogaloop.api('setLoop', loopVal);
                    }, false);

                    // Call setColor when color button clicked
                    addEvent(colorBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        // Don't do anything if clicking on anything but the button (such as the input field)
                        if ( != this) {
                            return false;

                        // Grab the value in the input field
                        var colorVal = this.querySelector('input').value;

                        // Call the api via froogaloop
                        froogaloop.api('setColor', colorVal);
                    }, false);

                    // Call setColor with a random color when random color button clicked
                    addEvent(randomColorBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        // Don't do anything if clicking on anything but the button (such as the input field)
                        if ( != this) {
                            return false;

                        // Generate a random color
                        var colorVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16);

                        // Call the api via froogaloop
                        froogaloop.api('setColor', colorVal);
                    }, false);

                    addEvent(loadVideoBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        // Don't do anything if clicking on anything but the button (such as the input field)
                        if ( != this) {
                            return false;

                        var videoVal = this.querySelector('input').value;

                        // Call the api via froogaloop
                        froogaloop.api('loadVideo', videoVal);
                    }, false);

                 * Sets up actions for buttons that will ask the player for something,
                 * such as the current time or duration. These methods require a
                 * callback function which will be called with any data as the first
                 * parameter in that function.
                function setupGetterButtons() {
                    var buttons = container.querySelector('div dl.getters'),
                        timeBtn = buttons.querySelector('.time'),
                        durationBtn = buttons.querySelector('.duration'),
                        colorBtn = buttons.querySelector('.color'),
                        urlBtn = buttons.querySelector('.url'),
                        embedBtn = buttons.querySelector('.embed'),
                        pausedBtn = buttons.querySelector('.paused'),
                        getVolumeBtn = buttons.querySelector('.getVolume'),
                        widthBtn = buttons.querySelector('.width'),
                        heightBtn = buttons.querySelector('.height');

                    // Get the current time and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(timeBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('getCurrentTime', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('getCurrentTime : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                    // Get the duration and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(durationBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('getDuration', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('getDuration : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                    // Get the embed color and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(colorBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('getColor', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('getColor : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                    // Get the video url and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(urlBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('getVideoUrl', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('getVideoUrl : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                    // Get the embed code and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(embedBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('getVideoEmbedCode', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Use html entities for less-than and greater-than signs
                            value = value.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('getVideoEmbedCode : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                    // Get the paused state and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(pausedBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('paused', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('paused : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                    // Get the paused state and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(getVolumeBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('getVolume', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('volume : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                    // Get the paused state and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(widthBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('getVideoWidth', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('getVideoWidth : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                    // Get the paused state and log it to the API console when time button clicked
                    addEvent(heightBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                        froogaloop.api('getVideoHeight', function (value, player_id) {
                            // Log out the value in the API Console
                            apiLog('getVideoHeight : ' + value);
                    }, false);

                 * Adds listeners for the events that are checked. Adding an event
                 * through Froogaloop requires the event name and the callback method
                 * that is called once the event fires.
                function setupEventListeners() {
                    var checkboxes = container.querySelector('.listeners'),
                        loadProgressChk = checkboxes.querySelector('.loadProgress'),
                        playProgressChk = checkboxes.querySelector('.playProgress'),
                        playChk = checkboxes.querySelector('.play'),
                        pauseChk = checkboxes.querySelector('.pause'),
                        finishChk = checkboxes.querySelector('.finish'),
                        seekChk = checkboxes.querySelector('.seek'),
                        current = 0, // added david variable to keep time of video
                        cuechangeChk = checkboxes.querySelector('.cuechange');

                    function onLoadProgress() {
                        if (loadProgressChk.checked) {
                            froogaloop.addEvent('loadProgress', function(data) {
                                apiLog('loadProgress event : ' + data.percent + ' : ' + data.bytesLoaded + ' : ' + data.bytesTotal + ' : ' + data.duration);
                                current = data.seconds; // keeps track of video time to be used for seek
                        else {

                    function onPlayProgress() {
                        if (playProgressChk.checked) {
                            froogaloop.addEvent('playProgress', function(data) {
                                apiLog('playProgress event : ' + data.seconds + ' : ' + data.percent + ' : ' + data.duration);
                        else {

                    function onPlay() {
                        if (playChk.checked) {
                            froogaloop.addEvent('play', function(data) {
                                apiLog('play event');
                        else {

                    function onPause() {
                        if (pauseChk.checked) {
                            froogaloop.addEvent('pause', function(data) {
                                apiLog('pause event');
                        else {

                    function onFinish() {
                        if (finishChk.checked) {

                            froogaloop.addEvent('finish', function(data) {
                                // added david when video finishes redirect to nbext section
                            window.location.href = "http://";

                        else {

                    function onSeek() {
                        if (seekChk.checked) {
                            froogaloop.addEvent('seek', function(data) {
                                apiLog('seek event : ' + data.seconds + ' : ' + data.percent + ' : ' + data.duration);
                                    // added by david if seek forward then reload the video        
                                     //   if  (data.seconds > current) {
                      //                                 froogaloop.api('unload'); 
                      //                                         }
                        else {

                    function onCueChange() {
                        if (cuechangeChk.checked) {
                            froogaloop.addEvent('cuechange', function(data) {
                                apiLog('cuechange event : ' + data.language + ' : ' + data.text);
                        else {

                    // Listens for the checkboxes to change
                    addEvent(loadProgressChk, 'change', onLoadProgress, false);
                    addEvent(playProgressChk, 'change', onPlayProgress, false);
                    addEvent(playChk, 'change', onPlay, false);
                    addEvent(pauseChk, 'change', onPause, false);
                    addEvent(finishChk, 'change', onFinish, false);
                    addEvent(seekChk, 'change', onSeek, false);
                    addEvent(cuechangeChk, 'change', onCueChange, false);

                    // Calls the change event if the option is checked
                    // (this makes sure the checked events get attached on page load as well as on changed)

                 * Sets up actions for adding a new clip window to the page.
                function setupAddClip() {
                    var button = container.querySelector('.addClip'),

                    addEvent(button, 'click', function(e) {
                        // Don't do anything if clicking on anything but the button (such as the input field)
                        if ( != this) {
                            return false;

                        // Gets the index of the current player by simply grabbing the number after the underscore
                        var currentIndex = parseInt(player_id.split('_')[1]),
                            clipId = button.querySelector('input').value;

                        newContainer = resetContainer(container.cloneNode(true), currentIndex+1, clipId);

                        $f(newContainer.querySelector('iframe')).addEvent('ready', ready);

                     * Resets the duplicate container's information, clearing out anything
                     * that doesn't pertain to the new clip. It also sets the iframe to
                     * use the new clip's id as its url.
                    function resetContainer(element, index, clipId) {
                        var newHeading = element.querySelector('h2'),
                            newIframe = element.querySelector('iframe'),
                            newCheckBoxes = element.querySelectorAll('.listeners input[type="checkbox"]'),
                            newApiConsole = element.querySelector('.console .output'),
                            newAddBtn = element.querySelector('.addClip');

                        // Set the heading text
                        newHeading.innerText = 'Vimeo Player ' + index;

                        // Set the correct source of the new clip id
                        newIframe.src = '' + clipId + '?api=1&player_id=player_' + index;
               = 'player_' + index;

                        // Reset all the checkboxes for listeners to be checked on
                        for (var i = 0, length = newCheckBoxes.length, checkbox; i < length; i++) {
                            checkbox = newCheckBoxes[i];
                            checkbox.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');

                        // Clear out the API console
                        newApiConsole.innerHTML = '';

                        // Update the clip ID of the add clip button
                        newAddBtn.querySelector('input').setAttribute('value', clipId);

                        return element;


                // Setup clear console button
                var clearBtn = container.querySelector('.console button');
                addEvent(clearBtn, 'click', function(e) {
                    apiConsole.innerHTML = '';
                }, false);

                apiLog(player_id + ' ready!');


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