I have a Web forms application on Azure. It has been developed in Visual studio 2015. Framework 4.6. My client wants to access this application using ADFS SSO. They have provide me with their
- FederationMetaData.xml,
- Issuer URL,
- Single sign-on service URL.
- Single sign-out service URL
- and Saml token certificate. I am happy to have just a single tenant solution for now.
All the web examples I have seen so far have been built with Visual Studio 2013 or earlier. The Microsoft reference pages are not dated and have lead me astray. Microsoft support sent me examples and code from VS 2013. Has anyone ever done this with a web forms app using VS 2015?
Has anyone the specifics on the Web.config settings or the necessary steps on how to reference the FederationMetaData.xml and what to do with the Saml certificate.
Is it possible to activate the authentication wizards in VS 2015 that are in VS 2013?
Agree with @maweeras.
The "Identity and Access Tool" in VS 2013 is deprecated and you need to drive it from the "on-premises" option under "Change Authentication".
WIF is no longer used hence no need for the web.config etc.
Note that you need OWIN WS-Federation not OWIN OpenID Connect.
However, ADFS still supports WS-Federation and WIF is still supported client-side.
Refer: Integrating a web app with Azure AD using WS-Federation.