Volatile fields in C#

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From the specification 10.5.3 Volatile fields:

The type of a volatile field must be one of the following:

  • A reference-type.

  • The type byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, char, float, bool, System.IntPtr, or System.UIntPtr.

  • An enum-type having an enum base type of byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, or uint.

First I want to confirm my understanding is correct: I guess the above types can be volatile because they are stored as a 4-bytes unit in memory(for reference types because of its address), which guarantees the read/write operation is atomic. A double/long/etc type can't be volatile because they are not atomic reading/writing since they are more than 4 bytes in memory. Is my understanding correct?

And the second, if the first guess is correct, why a user defined struct with only one int field in it(or something similar, 4 bytes is ok) can't be volatile? Theoretically it's atomic right? Or it's not allowed simply because that all user defined structs(which is possibly more than 4 bytes) are not allowed to volatile by design?


There are 5 best solutions below


So, I suppose you propose the following point to be added:

  • A value type consisting only of one field which can be legally marked volatile.

First, fields are usually private, so in external code, nothing should depend on a presence of a certain field. Even though the compiler has no issue accessing private fields, it is not such a good idea to restrict a certain feature based on something the programmer has no proper means to affect or inspect.

Since a field is usually a part of the internal implementation of a type, it can be changed at any time in a referenced assembly, but this could make a piece of C# code that used the type illegal.

This theoretical and practical reason means that the only feasible way would be to introduce a volatile modifier for value types that would ensure that point specified above holds. However, since the only group of types that would benefit from this modifier are value types with a single field, this feature probably wasn't very high on the list.


I think it is because a struct is a value type, which is not one of the types listed in the specs. It is interesting to note that reference types can be a volatile field. So it can be accomplished with a user-defined class. This may disprove your theory that the above types are volatile because they can be stored in 4 bytes (or maybe not).


To address the second part of your question, I would support the language designers decision based on two points:

KISS - Keep It Simple Simon - It would make the spec more complex and implementations hard to have this feature. All language features start at minus 100 points, is adding the ability to have a small minority of struts volatile really worth 101 points?

Compatibility - questions of serialization aside - Usually adding a new field to a type [class, struct] is a safe backwards source compatible move. If you adding a field should not break anyones compile. If the behavior of structs changed when adding a field this would break this.


This is an educated guess at the answer... please don't shoot me down too much if I am wrong!

The documentation for volatile states:

The volatile modifier is usually used for a field that is accessed by multiple threads without using the lock statement to serialize access.

This implies that part of the design intent for volatile fields is to implement lock-free multithreaded access.

A member of a struct can be updated independently of the other members. So in order to write the new struct value where only part of it has been changed, the old value must be read. Writing is therefore not guaranteed to require a single memory operation. This means that in order to update the struct reliably in a multithreaded environment, some kind of locking or other thread synchronization is required. Updating multiple members from several threads without synchronization could soon lead to counter-intuitive, if not technically corrupt, results: to make a struct volatile would be to mark a non-atomic object as atomically updateable.

Additionally, only some structs could be volatile - those of size 4 bytes. The code that determines the size - the struct definition - could be in a completely separate part of the program to that which defines a field as volatile. This could be confusing as there would be unintended consequences of updating the definition of a struct.

So, whereas it would be technically possible to allow some structs to be volatile, the caveats for correct usage would be sufficiently complex that the disadvantages would outweigh the benefits.

My recommendation for a workaround would be to store your 4-byte struct as a 4-byte base type and implement static conversion methods to use each time you want to use the field.


Basically, usage of the volatile keyword can sometimes be misleading. Its purpose is to allow that the latest value (or actually, an eventually fresh enough value)1 of the respective member is returned when accessed by any thread.

In fact, this is true to value types only2. Reference type members are represented in memory as the pointers to a location in the heap where the object is actually stored. So, when used on a reference type, volatile ensures you only get the fresh value of the reference (the pointer) to the object, not the object itself.

If you have a volatile List<String> myVolatileList which is modified by multiple threads by having elements added or removed, and if you expect it to be safely accessing the latest modification of the list, you are actually wrong. In fact, you are prone to the same issues as if the volatile keyword was not there -- race conditions and/or having the object instance corrupted -- it does not assist you in this case, neither it provides you with any thread safety.

If, however, the list itself is not modified by the different threads, but rather, each thread would only assign a different instance to the field (meaning the list is behaving like an immutable object), then you are fine. Here is an example:

public class HasVolatileReferenceType
    public volatile List<int> MyVolatileMember;

The following usage is correct with respect to multi-threading, as each thread would replace the MyVolatileMember pointer. Here, volatile ensures that the other threads will see the latest list instance stored in the MyVolatileMember field.

HasVolatileReferenceTypeexample = new HasVolatileReferenceType();
// instead of modifying `example.MyVolatileMember`
// we are replacing it with a new list. This is OK with volatile.
example.MyVolatileMember = example.MyVolatileMember
     .Where(x => x > 42).ToList();

In contrast, the below code is error prone, because it directly modifies the list. If this code is executed simultaneously with multiple threads, the list may become corrupted, or behave in an inconsistent manner.

example.MyVolatileMember.RemoveAll(x => x <= 42);

Let us return to value types for a while. In .NET all value types are actually reassigned when they are modified, they are safe to be used with the volatile keyword - see the code:

public class HasVolatileValueType
    public volatile int MyVolatileMember;

// usage
HasVolatileValueType example = new HasVolatileValueType();
example.MyVolatileMember = 42;

1The notion of lates value here is a little misleading, as noted by Eric Lippert in the comments section. In fact latest here means that the .NET runtime will attempt (no guarantees here) to prevent writes to volatile members to happen in-between read operations whenever it deems it is possible. This would contribute to different threads reading a fresh value of the volatile member, as their read operations would probably be ordered after a write operation to the member. But there is more to count on probability here.

2In general, volatile is OK to be used on any immutable object, since modifications always imply reassignment of the field with a different value. The following code is also a correct example of the use of the volatile keyword:

public class HasVolatileImmutableType
    public volatile string MyVolatileMember; 

// usage
HasVolatileImmutableType example = new HasVolatileImmutableType();
example.MyVolatileMember = "immutable";
// string is reference type, but is *immutable*, 
// so we need to reasign the modification result it in order 
// to work with the new value later
example.MyVolatileMember = example.MyVolatileMember.SubString(2);

I'd recommend you to take a look at this article. It thoroughly explains the usage of the volatile keyword, the way it actually works and the possible consequences to using it.