WCF Callback Deadlocks Even With 'UseSynchronizationContext = false'

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I am stuck with a problem that I can't quite understand.

The problem is related to synchronization between threads on the client side but I can't find the root cause of this. I created a small demo to simulate the problem, so it will be easier to explain.

Service Contact:

[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required, CallbackContract = typeof(ITestServiceCallback))]
public interface ITestService
    Task RegisterAsync();

    Task UnRegisterAsync();

    int Test1(int i);

Callback Contract:

public interface ITestServiceCallback
    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    void TestCallback(int value);

Service Implementation:

The service upon calling Test1 method will raise the callback with the value supplied to Test1 method.

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, UseSynchronizationContext = false, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
public class TestService : ITestService
    private readonly HashSet<ITestServiceCallback> _callbacks = new HashSet<ITestServiceCallback>();

    public Task RegisterAsync()
        Console.WriteLine("Registering Callback, Thread: {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        var callbackProxy = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<ITestServiceCallback>();
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public Task UnRegisterAsync()
        Console.WriteLine("Unregistering Callback, Thread: {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
        var callbackProxy = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<ITestServiceCallback>();
        bool removed = _callbacks.Remove(callbackProxy);
        Console.WriteLine("Callback was{0} successfully removed", removed ? "" : " not");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public int Test1(int i)
        Console.WriteLine("Working on server, Test1, Thread: {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);


        Console.WriteLine("Finished on server, Test1, Thread: {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

        return i;

    private void raiseCallback(int value)
        foreach (var callback in _callbacks)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Callback calling failed in server: {0}", ex);

The Client Code:

The client is first registering to the server's callbacks (note the async register call - This is the problem) Then calls Test1. here the call to Test1 never returns

var callBack = new ClientCallback();
var client = DuplexChannelFactory<ITestService>.CreateChannel(callBack, _defaultBinding, _defaultEndpointAddress);
using (client as IDisposable)
                await client.RegisterAsync(); // client.RegisterAsync.Wait();
                Console.WriteLine("Client Thread: {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                    int res = client.Test1(5);
                    Console.WriteLine("Test1 was called, Server Result: {0}", res);

                    await client.UnRegisterAsync();

[CallbackBehavior(UseSynchronizationContext = false)]
    class ClientCallback : ITestServiceCallback
        public void TestCallback(int value)
            Console.WriteLine("Callback Called, Value: {0}, Thread: {1}", value, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
  • When calling RegisterAsync synchronously (using .Wait()) the call to Test1 does not deadlock.
  • The call for Test1 passes in the server without any problem.
  • The binding used is NetNamedPipeBinding:

    Binding _defaultBinding = new NetNamedPipeBinding { MaxBufferSize = int.MaxValue, MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue, ReceiveTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue, SendTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue, CloseTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue };

I thought that when setting UseSynchronizationContext property to false (in both the ServiceBehaviourAttribute and in CallbackBehaviourAttribute) should solve this issue.


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