Web Scraping Blocked - Using Googlesheets IMPORTXML()

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Was hoping someone smarter than me would know how to get around two websites Woolworths.com.au and Coles.com.au that appear to block the use of the IMPORTXML() function.

I am trying to do some personal budgeting and I'm trying to input the price of various products into my spreadsheet. e.g. Toothpaste

Here's what my spreadsheet looks like so far, I am trying to avoid manually inputting the prices of the Woolworths and Coles items

Have been trying importHTML and importXML. =IMPORTXML("https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/238473/colgate-plax-alcohol-free-mouthwash-freshmint","//shared-price[@class='ng-star-inserted']")

I was initially able to get some price data but after about a day it seems to have stopped working (I think they block my sheet)

Pretty tricky to work around so if anyone has suggestions for advanced Googlesheets forums to


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