WebBrowser errors when loading embedded YouTube videa

609 Views Asked by At

With the latest Flash version (19.x), whenever I load an embedded YouTube video in a WebBrower control, it throws back a script error (line 0, char 0, code 0) and end up with a black screen where the video should be. If I copy and paste the url into IE or Firefox, it works fine.

Test steps are simple - create a blank Forms/WPF project, add in a WebBrower, and point it to an embedded video (for example "https://www.youtube.com/embed/afeAUndotas").

Any ideas? Note - I'm not interested in simply suppressing the popup using ScriptErrorsSuppressed, I would like the video to actually load.


There are 1 best solutions below


I had the same issue. WebBrower control emulates IE7 by default. Try this workaround.