WebTransportError in firefox

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I get a WebTransportError in firefox when the same code works in chromium. I don't know where to look at.


I have a IPFS node running locally (kubo v0.27.0) and listening on:


I'm connecting to it with libp2p like this:

const local_peer = [

const libp2p = await createLibp2p({
  peerDiscovery: [
      list: local_peer
  // in the web context, I want to use webtransport
  transports: [webTransport()],
  // necessary to allow connecting to localhost
  connectionGater: {
    denyDialMultiaddr: async () => false

// setup connection


In chromium debug console, network tab, I see a connection to and I can list peers and interact with them.

In firefox debug console, I see nothing in network tab, and the following error:

WebTransportError {
  "source": "session",
  "streamErrorCode": null,
  "name": "WebTransportError",
  "message": "WebTransport connection rejected",
  "code": 0,
  "result": 0,
  "filename": "",
  "lineNumber": 0,
  "columnNumber": 0,
  "data": null


Where could the problem come from? I know that webtransport in firefox is only available in a secure context (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransportError/source), but local ip should allow skip this security. The error messages does not tell me a lot about the origin of the problem.


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