Weird behavior of spread operator in JSX

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Spread Operator in JS environment

let obj1 = {a:1,b:2}
let obj2 = {...obj1}

Above code outputs {a:1,b:2} Which is a copy of obj1

Spread Operator in JSX
let us assume this.props = {lib:'react',lang:'js'}

<App {...this.props}/>
would be same as
<App lib={this.props.lib} lang={this.props.lang}>
As we know this.props is also an object just like obj1 why does JSX spreads like lib='react,lang='js' instead of lib:'react',lang:'js'?
Is there a difference between JSX Spread Operator and Javascript Spread Operator?
I'm really Confused


There are 2 best solutions below


In both cases it is a spread operator only and Javascript spread operator only. There is no such thing as JSX spread operator.

When we do <App {...this.props}/>, it is same as <App a="1" b="2"/> in React. And in React these are added to the prop object of App class. From that prop object, we get access to the values a and b respectively.

const App = (props)=>{
   const {a,b} = props; // Object De-structuring

We are basically spreading the props which means passing these values as Props to the App component, . This is same as passing values to function using spread operator.

Think of it this way: Think of App Component as a function, which is taking spreaded object as arguments.

const App= ({a,b})=>{ // Here we are De-Structuring from our props object

App({...obj1}); // This is same as App(a,b)

Codepen code :

Try above code in Javascript file

Spread ... operator can also be used to make a clone of the object when we do

let obj1 = {a:1,b:2}

let obj2 = {...obj1} 

obj2 is clone of obj1. A complete new object. obj1 and obj2 are now two different objects in memory not just the references.


As we know this.props is also an object just like obj1 why does JSX spreads differently?

The {} syntax in JSX is used for JavaScript expressions, so when we use {} it isn't considered as an object literal.

That's the reason we use something like someProp={{bla: 'foo'}} when we want to pass an object because the outer pair is to tell that we will have an expression inside it.

In short, using {} in JSX doesn't create an object.

You can read more about spread attributes.