Weird compiler error with "addConstructor" inside template function using LuaBridge

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EDIT: I am using XCode 12.5.1 with GCC. This issue may be limited to GCC because MSC is compiling it without errors. Auggh.

I am trying to set up generic template functions to add classes to LuaBridge. I am getting a weird error on .addConstructor. Ultimately I am considering refl-cpp to get type names and function info, but for now I am struggling with this issue that has nothing to do with refl-cpp.

Here is my template function:

struct foo {int bar();};

template<class T, typename ConstructorArgs>
void addclass(lua_State *l)
      .beginNamespace ("bar")
            .addConstructor<ConstructorArgs>() // error: Use 'template' keyword to treat 'addConstructor' as a dependent template name
            .addFunction("bar", &foo::bar)

static void my_program()
   lua_State *l;
   l = luaL_newstate();
   addclass<foo, void (*) (void)>(l);

Note that the .addFunction call has no problem. The program compiles and runs correctly if I comment out the .addConstructor. The weird part is, if I ignore the T template class and hardcode foo in the call to beginClass, it works:

template<class T, typename ConstructorArgs>
void addclass(lua_State *l)
      .beginNamespace ("bar")
         .beginClass<foo>("foo") // hardcoding <foo> here eliminates error and program works
            .addFunction("bar", &foo::bar)

I can't really tell if the problem is in addConstructor or beginClass.

EDIT: Check out the linked article below. Based on that, the short answer is to change the call to addConstructor as follows:

.template addConstructor<ConstructorArgs>()

This works on both MSC and GCC.


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