WFLYCTL0180: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies in Wildfly 26 with EJB SecurityDomain annotation

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We've got an application with several web services annotated with @SecurityDomain("our-ws") (I've also tried setting this in jboss-web.xml). For example:

@WebService(targetNamespace = "...", portName = "AddStuff", serviceName = "AddStuffService")
@SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
@WebContext(authMethod = "BASIC", contextRoot = "/service", urlPattern = "/AddStuffService")
public class AddStuffService  { ... }

We are upgrading to Wildfly 26, and attempting to use elytron following the example from WildFly Elytron Security, section 4.1.3. However, on startup, I'm getting an error like:

13 Jan 2023 11:26:01,763 ERROR [management-operation  Controller Boot Thread] WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("deploy") failed - address: ([("deployment" => "service.war")]) - failure description: {
    "WFLYCTL0412: Required services that are not installed:" => [""],
    "WFLYCTL0180: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["jboss.deployment.unit.\"service.war\".component.AddStuffService.CREATE is missing []"]

In standalone.xml, under <subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron:15.1"...> We've got a datasource, which I'll call 'ourDS' (not shown) used by a jdbc-realm, jdbc:

            <jdbc-realm name="jdbc">
                <principal-query sql="SELECT password FROM CFG_WS_USERS_T WHERE username=?" data-source="evercoreDS">
                    <clear-password-mapper password-index="1"/>
                <principal-query sql="SELECT roles from CFG_WS_ROLES_T r join CFG_WS_USERS_T u on u.WS_USERS_PK=r.WS_USERS_FK where u.username=?" data-source="ourDS">
                        <attribute to="roles" index="1"/>

And a security-domain for those web services:

        <security-domain name="our-ws" default-realm="jdbc" permission-mapper="default-permission-mapper">
            <realm name="jdbc" role-decoder="groups-to-roles"/>

So I don't get why is not installed (unless, maybe, it is looking for it in the legacy security configuration.).

How, do I get the SecurityDomain annotation (or the security-domain tag in jboss-web.xml) to refer to the elytron configuration, or why would my security-domain under elytron not be installed?

EDIT: In response to @ehsavoie's comment, I'll note that, per section 4.1.3 of the doc, we also have an http-authentication-factory and application-security-domain:

        <http-authentication-factory name="our-ws-http-auth" security-domain="our-ws" http-server-mechanism-factory="global">
                <mechanism mechanism-name="BASIC">
                    <mechanism-realm realm-name="our-ws"/>

        <application-security-domain name="defaultASD" security-domain="ApplicationDomain"/>
        <application-security-domain name="our-ws-appsecurity-domain" http-authentication-factory="our-ws-http-auth"/>

(I'm a bit confused by the mechanism-realm realm-name="our-ws", since our-ws is not a security-realm, but a security-domain, but it follows the documentation - again section 4.1.3-- and I also tried using the jdbc security-realm there, with the the same error.)


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