Using the IDE Embarcadero C++ Builder Tokyo 10.2, when I build all my project I get the following message repeated:

[bcc32 Warning] IdIOHandler.hpp(242): W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: initialized data in header

The specific line within IdIOHandler.hpp is:

System::UnicodeString __fastcall ReadLnSplit(bool &AWasSplit, System::UnicodeString ATerminator = L"\n", int ATimeout = 0xffffffff, int AMaxLineLength = 0xffffffff, Idglobal::_di_IIdTextEncoding AByteEncoding = Idglobal::_di_IIdTextEncoding());

Looking into this more, it's my understanding that this file is shipped with the IDE. Thus my question is, what is wrong with this file? Is there something I can manually change to resolve with warning? It's my understanding that if I resolve this warning/issue, the project will compile/build faster.

What change needs to be made to IdIOHandler.hpp to resolve the resulting W8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header 'reason' warning?


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