What changes should be made while executing cblas_cgemm();

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I tried to do a matrix to matrix multiplication using the function cblas_cgemm(); But the answer I am getting is incorrect compared to manual calculation. I tried to simplify my code without using imaginary terms in input, but the problem remains. What change should I make to get the correct output. This is my code.

#include "cblas.h"

void main()
 int i,j;
 double complex A[2][2]={1,2,
 double complex B[2][2]={4,5,
 double complex W[2][2]={0,0,

 const int m1=2;
 const int n1=2;
 const int k1=2;

 const int lda1=2;
 const int ldb1=2;
 const int ldc1=2;
 const double alpha=1.0;
 const double beta=0.0;

 cblas_cgemm(CblasRowMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans,m1,n1,k1,&alpha,A,lda1,B, ldb1 ,&beta,W, ldc1);

    printf("%lf %lf\n" ,creal(W[i][j]),cimag(W[i][j]));

I got output as

-119296.000000 0.000000
-188416.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
I referred to this sitelapack:cblas_cgemm Please help My code using cblas_dgemm() is given below

//Y := alpha*A*X + beta*Y, or   y := alpha*A**T*x + beta*y,
#include "cblas.h"
const double A[3][1]={
const double X[1][4]={
double Y[3][4]={
int main()
 const int m=3;
const int k=1;const int n=4;
const int lda=1;
const int ldb=4;
const int ldc=4;
int incX,incY;
const double alpha=1.0;
const double beta=0.0;
int i,j;
    printf("%lf \t" ,A[i][j]);
cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor,CblasNoTrans,CblasNoTrans,m,n,k,alpha,A, lda,X, ldb ,beta,Y, ldc);
printf("%lf\t" ,Y[i][j]);
return 0;

I got output as

hp@hp-HP-Notebook:~/beamforming/programs/studentprojectdetails$ ./dgemm_trial 1.000000
1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000
2.000000 4.000000 6.000000 8.000000
3.000000 6.000000 9.000000 12.000000


There are 2 best solutions below


First issue: Your complex numbers should be declared and used according to the specific complex number layout indicated in cblas.h. Your code indicates you're expecting a 2x2 matrix, and a 2x2 matrix of complex values must be specified with eight total values (four real and four imaginary).

 * A note on complex data layouts:
 * In order to allow straightforward interoperation with other libraries and
 * complex types in C and C++, complex data in BLAS is passed through an opaque
 * pointer (void *).  The layout requirements on this complex data are that
 * the real and imaginary parts are stored consecutively in memory, and have
 * the alignment of the corresponding real type (float or double).  The BLAS
 * complex interfaces are compatible with the following types:
 *     - The C complex types, defined in <complex.h>.
 *     - The C++ std::complex types, defined in <complex>.
 *     - The LAPACK complex types, defined in <Accelerate/vecLib/clapack.h>.
 *     - The vDSP types DSPComplex and DSPDoubleComplex, defined in <Accelerate/vecLib/vDSP.h>.
 *     - An array of size two of the corresponding real type.
 *     - A structure containing two elements, each of the corresponding real type.

Second issue: BLAS routines are not designed to work with two dimensional arrays. Instead you should declare a long one dimensional array. This is the purpose of the LDA parameters. Passing a two dimensional array correctly relies on the assumption that the compiler is going to lay out your two dimensional array in a certain order, which may or may not be true, and results in undefined behavior.


See the naming conventions of BLAS and Lapack. Since the type of matrices is double complex, cblas_zgemm() should be used instead of cblas_cgemm(). Indeed, z is for double precision complex and c for single precision complex.

In addition, the scalars alpha and beta must also be of type double complex. See the source of the fortran routine zgemm() to check such things: COMPLEX*16 corresponds to double complex.