What exactly is "persistence ignorance"?

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Persistence ignorance is typically defined as the ability to persist & retrieve standard .NET objects (or POCOs if you really insist on giving them a name). And a seemingly well accepted definition of a standard .NET object is:

"...ordinary classes where you focus on the business problem at hand without adding stuff for infrastructure-related reasons..."

However, I see people describing NHibernate as a framework that allows persistence ignorance, and yet it is a framework that cannot work on any standard .NET object, only standard .NET objects that adhere to particular design requirements, for example (source):

  • All classes must have a default constructor
  • Some features don't work unless classes are unsealed and all members are virtual
  • Object identity doesn't work properly unless you abuse Equals/GetHashCode

(Aside: Before anybody gets upset, I don't mean to pick on NHibernate here, it's just a frequently quoted example of a framework that supposedly permits persistence ignorance. I'm sure similar arguments could be applied to other ORMs that claim the same.)

Now although the class in itself does not have any persistence-framework-specific attributes or base classes etc., to me it is not really "persistence ignorant" because it must follow a set of design guidelines to facilitate use by the chosen persistence framework. You must design and implement the class with the requirements of the persistence framework in mind; if you are ignorant of it the class may not work with it.

Where I'm having trouble with the definition of "persistence ignorance"/"POCO" is that I don't see how, conceptually, this is really any different to adding attributes such as [Serializable] or [DataContract] or [XmlType] or any other persistence-framework-specific annotations that facilitate the persistence and retrieval of the entity using that framework.

So, what exactly is "persistence ignorance"?

Clearly the definition of it as being able to persist "ordinary classes" is a fallacy because the NHibernate ones are only ordinary insofar as not referencing framework-specific classes, whereas they are extraordinary inasmuch as they require unusual design choices such as default constructors and all-virtual members and Equals/GetHashCode implementations on mutable types.

Is it therefore reasonable to say that "persistence ignorance" is true when objects facilitate the use of a persistence framework (either in design and structure or by use of framework-specific annotations) but do not perform any persistence logic themselves?


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I would claim that, like most things, its a sliding scale. There are things that we make that want to have the property of persistence. On one end of the scale is this thing having all of the guts, dependencies, and code that is custom built to persist just this one thing in its particular way. On the other end of the scale is something that just magically happens, all without us doing much more than adding a token or setting a property somewhere that causes that thing to 'just persist'. In order to get to the magical side of the scale, there are frameworks, design guidelines, conventions, etc that assist the magic in happening. I think you could argue that a tool could be produced that had fewer requirements and restrictions than NHibernate but pursued the same goal; that hypothetical tool would be further along our scale.

I don't know that I like the term 'persistence ignorance' so much; its really about an object being ignorant of the implementation, the backing store, the cache, that sort of thing - an object is typically aware of whether or not it is persistent, though. But that's just semantics.


I agree with Mikeb - "persistance ignorance" is a sliding scale, not a true/false property of a given ORM.

My definition of true 100% PI would be that you could persist ANY possible POCO class, no matter how convoluted and linked to other classes, without otherwise changing the class in any way.

Adding ID fields, decorating with attributes, inheriting from ORM classes, having to design your classes so they map well to the underlying tables in an RDB - all reduce the "PI score" below 100%.

This said, I've chosen to use Fluent NHibernate Automapping because it seems to have the highest PI score of any of the ORM options I've looked at.


you can implement persisrtence ignorance using a class for the domain or you application and a POCO class in the persistence, when you are going to persist the domain object map it into your persistence class and use the persistence object to store with nhibernate o other framework

your domain class must to ignore how is persisted the information, so you must no include any rules of a persistence framework like (empty constructor, virtual properties etc.)

these persistence framework rules can be in your persistence class.


I'd agree with your definition:

Is it therefore reasonable to say that "persistence ignorance" is true when objects facilitate the use of a persistence framework, but do not perform any persistence logic themselves?

The code (as opposed to atributes) in your classes has no features that are intrinsic to persistence. Default constructors might be needed for persistence, but have no code that actually does persistence. The persistence layer could be changed quite substantially, different databases could be used and the business logic would remain unchanged.


While there may be certain minor constraints that any given persistence-ignorance framework requires, persistence-ignorance nevertheless remains in place.

While a class in your domain model (transparently persisted with NHibernate) must have a no-arguments constructor so that it can be constructed "dynamically," it is not required to have a certain base class dictated by the framework nor is it required to have or override certain framework-specified methods.


A persistant ignorant class, is a class that is not tied to a persistancy framework.

That is, the class has absolutely no knowledge that there's a persistancy framework present, it does not inherit from a class that is defined by that framework nor does it implement an interface that is required for that persistance framework in order to work.


In my opinion, "persistence ignorance" is a property of your model (domain model, business model or whatever you might refer to it as). The model is persistence ignorant because it retrieves instances of the entities it contains through abstractions (sometimes referred to as repositories). These abstractions can be implemened by using an ORM directly, but as you state yourself this may sometimes add requirements to the objects that do not naturally belong in your model. Therefore I would not say that a model that adheres to some requirements of a specific ORM is 100% persistence ignorant.


I don't believe your understanding (or definition) of "Persistence Ingorance" is wrong.

The real issue is that of leaky abstractions. Quite simply, the existing technology makes it very difficult to implement true PI.