What is best way to check if any of the property of object is null or empty?

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I am creating Json file, and before creating i want to check if any of the property is empty of not.. And I want to create abstract method for that. So i dont have to write again and again.

public JObject CreatUserJson(Account lacc)
            JObject pin = new JObject(
                new JProperty("email", lacc.email),
                new JProperty("fullname", lacc.fullname),
                new JProperty("phonenumber", lacc.phonenumber),
                new JProperty("ip_address", lacc.ip_address),
                new JProperty("password", lacc.password),
                new JProperty("client_id", Settings.Globals.CLIENT_ID),
                new JProperty("client_secret", Settings.Globals.CLIENT_SECRET)

            return pin;

This is how i defined my method and there are similar methods like this, I want standard way to check and throw exception if any value is missing..

public JObject IncomingWireNoticeJson(SyanpasePayLib.Resources.Wire lWire)
            JObject pin = new JObject(
                new JProperty("amount", lWire.amount),
                new JProperty("status_url", lWire.status_url),
                new JProperty("memo", lWire.memo),
                new JProperty("oauth_consumer_key", lWire.oauth_consumer_key)
            return pin;

This is other example of method,there is no similarity. I just want to loop through and throw exception if any of the values are missing.

For instance, I know for CreatUserJson I require minimun 4 inputs and max 8 inputs..

Same way for IncomingWireNoticeJson I require minimun 2 inputs and max 4 inputs..

If range is greater then or less then the min and max, then it should throw error.. (This part i can manage, but i dont know how to define standard way to loop through this object)
Can some one help me with this.. ?


There are 1 best solutions below


I think JObject has a method called Properties(). So you can loop through the results of that and check whether the values are not null.

foreach (JProperty property in pin.Properties()) 
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(property.Value)) 
        throw new Exception("Some exception");
        //Or perform count for minimum/maximum check 

The minimum and maximum check is also easy todo if you use the Properties() method. Example can be easily rewritten using Linq too, but for explanation and expanding logic purposes I have written the normal version.