What is the different between "Console target" and "GUI target" in DCC32 option?

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DCC32.exe has two options:

  1. -CC: Console target
  2. -CG: GUI target

Is there any different using these two options to build dpk and dpr files?


There are 1 best solutions below


These options control the subsystem of the output file. They only have meaning on Windows. They are equivalent to the $APPTYPE directive.

The $APPTYPE directive controls whether to generate a Win32 console or graphical user interface application.

In the {$APPTYPE GUI} state, the compiler generates a graphical user interface application. This is the normal state for a Delphi application.

In the {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} state (equivalent to the /CC command-line option), the compiler generates a console application. When a console application is started, the Input and Output standard text files are automatically associated with the console window.


The $APPTYPE directive is meaningful only in a program. It should not be used in a library, unit, or package.