What is the UML analogue to the Data Flow Diagram from Structured Analysis?

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Back in the Dark Ages (mid-1980s), I used Data Flow Diagrams from Structured Analysis a fair amount, and found them very useful.

My current employer loves UML. I normally use BOUML, which doesn't do non-UML drawings.

What is the UML drawing that corresponds to the Data Flow Diagram?

If there isn't one, what is the recommended UML diagram to present the corresponding data?


There are 8 best solutions below


Probably the closest thing is the activity diagram. It's not quite the same; more influenced by flow chart than dfd. However: you can do some of the useful things in DFDs, e.g. ADs do support concurrency and differentiate control flow from dataflow.

More details on comparisons & differences in this question.

[fwiw, I still use DFDs: they're simpler and more elegant in many circumstances]



I consider a Data Flow Diagram as a Sequence Diagram, with Data Producers and Data Consumers creating, using and destroying Data objects by means of synchronous and/or asynchronous messages.


There is no direct analogue, since UML emphasises OO design wheras DFD comes from structured systems analysis and design (SSAD). In UML a number of diagrams, specifically those in the with interaction diagrams group have characteristics that might model elements of data flow and processing. A Communication Diagram can be used to reflect most aspects of a DFD in general, while a sequence diagram may model specific sequences of flow. If you wanted to suggest DFD semantics then you could use stereotyped objects for data process and data store, and use actors for external entities.

It may be worth noting that Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect, while primarily a UML tool includes DFD as an extension.


Similar diagrams would be:

  1. information flow diagram
  2. communication diagram
  3. sequence diagram

Theoretically, new diagram kinds can be defined in UML, optionally extending of one or more conventional diagram kinds. The canonical diagram kinds defined in UML are essentially defined as a part of the UML metamodel itself.

Formally, a definition of the UML metamodel is provided in the UML specification published by the Object Management Group (OMG), as well as the corresponding meta-metamodel defined of MOF - to which there is also a corresponding specification - moreover as accompanied with the formal OCL specification, as with regards to definitions of constraints in UML models in applications of the OCL language in UML - and then there's the XMI specification, as with regards to specifications for how UML models may be stored in machine-readable format.

Ostensibly, all of these specifications may be combined for application as though "Under the hood" of any single framework for UML modeling - whether in applications of the Ecore subset of the UML metmodel, or in canonical UML.

Reviewing a short academic presentation about Data Flow Diagrams -although somewhat in departing from formal definitions of UML diagram kinds, but nonetheless in a broader context of applications of the MOF meta-metamodel - perhaps the canonical BPMN metamodel - in its conventional, graphical abstract syntax - perhaps BPMN may serve to provide something of an analogy to Data Flow Diagrams?

Of course, modeling practices may vary by vendor and by application environment.


UML 2 has a very good analogue to a data flow diagram: the "information flow diagram".

Information flow diagrams are explained here: https://web.archive.org/web/20121118061853/http://www.uml-diagrams.org/information-flow-diagrams.html

Note that UML 2.5 has information flows and information items, but the term "information flow diagram" is not part of official UML 2.5 diagram taxonomy. So formally, you just create a class or component diagram with lots of information flows in it to obtain your "information flow diagram". I do this all the time, using information items of UML to represent my data.


There is no equivalent model in OOD. The emphasis on DFD's is data separated from the function. This is most helpful when dealing in a procedural way. DFD's scale much better than OOD, if you try to scale out (to the world view) using OOD you end up using Use Case diagrams, which are useful for capturing essences. I loved DFD's they are so high level, and yet can be expanded by opening up a DFD box and calling it level 1 etc.

I am currently in the process of learning the Go programming language, this does not use Objects whatsoever and in some respects I feel that DFD modelling would suit it much better.

I too am looking for a diagram that could do this sort of work. In Go structs are used intensively which are basic data types. You can have a primitive extension method attached to it which resembles OO but in fact if you look at the Assembly code it appears to be syntax sugar for a function, who's first parameter is the struct you wish the function to operate on.

My advice, is that if you're doing OO code, then use OOD. They map better, and do help in the thinking about a system. It takes a while to get your head out of Procedural code, especially if you're coming from programming from the 80's/90's. Once you're in the zone with thinking about objects then the OOD methods work fine. Its not strictly a methodology as there is no straight answer to which parts you use, just thinking in objects I find to be the hardest part. A good book on this is "Object Thinking--David West"...it helps to think about objects first. Once you start its very difficult to stop, you may even like some end up getting trapped in the kingdom of the nouns which is a horrible place to be, because you write endless boiler plate code, just so that the system is described perfectly. This is a form of coding hell which I have stayed clear of for many years.

If you are coding in a language that allows procedural code, or even mixed OO/Procedural, you need to decide your paradigm before you start coding, for example in both Python and Object Pascal (Delphi) you can go either route of OO or procedural coding mixing the code up into a mess of paradigms. This will decide which diagramming tools that should be used, and how you are going to analyze the system.

Recently there have been shifts in Java and c# to provide functional programming techniques. These I have discovered don't fall into either category of programming (OO or procedural). Trying to map functional programming code into an object is a nightmare.

I am sorry I haven't provided an answer, but it depends on what code you are writing.


I use Enterprise Architect 'Dynamic View' Analysis diagram.
Control = Process
Information = Data Store
In many ways their Analysis diagram is much better than a data flow diagram, as you can also show events in the form of sending and receiving and there is a process symbol too but I prefer Control. It includes object and decision.