What's wrong with Strassen's method to compute square of a matrix?

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Using the same approach as of Strassen's only 5 multiplications are sufficient to compute square of a matrix. If A[2][2] = [a, b, c, d], the multiplications are a * a, d * d, b * (a + d), c * (a + d), b * c.

If we generalise this algorithm for getting the square of a matrix, the complexity reduces to n^log5 with base 2.

I was asked a question to find what is wrong with this algorithm and when it fails if we generalise this algorithm to find the square of matrix?


There are 3 best solutions below


Having a matrix A:


We can compute AA in the naive way with 8 multiplications:

aa + bc
ab + bd 
ac + cd 
bc + dd

Directly applying Strassen's multiplication would give us 7 multiplications.

But, using similar approach as Strassen, we can notice that:

ab + bd = b(a + d) 
ac + cd = c(a + d)

So, indeed, we can make only 5 multiplications to obtain the result:
aa, dd, bc, b(a + d), c(a + d).

There is nothing wrong with this method, i.e. it's correct for all of the inputs.

Maybe your interviewer wanted that you present your thinking and defend that actually it's not wrong, instead of agreeing upon that it's wrong.

If your interviewer would still say that it's wrong, a good idea would be to ask what's the definition of "wrong". Maybe "not optimal" (in terms of number of squarings, multiplications and additions). Good read.

Or maybe it's "wrong", because it doesn't scale up, for example it won't work for 4x4 matrices.


You can get by with only 5 multiplications at the root of the call tree, but some of these multiplications are not squares, so the running time is no better than Strassen for multiplication.

Put another way, if we had an O(n^c) algorithm for squaring an n-by-n matrix, then we'd get an O(n^c) algorithm for multiplication by squaring the 2n-by-2n block matrix

[0 A]    [AB 0 ]
[B 0]  = [0  BA].

This algorithm cannot work as matrix multiplication is not commutative.

ab+bd != b(a+d) because b(a+d) = ba+bd and for matrix multiplication ab!=ba. so we cannot reduce any multiplication. this algorithm only works for 2X2 matrices.