what should be the settings in info plist for receiving string using airdrop

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I want to send one string using airdrop. I researched out but I am not able to clearly get what should I keep in info plist or what should be the exact settings so when that string is received, on accepting it opens my application. I am using uiactivityviewcontroller for sending string using airdrop, it arrives but there is no option of my application in the open pop up on accepting. Please help.


There are 1 best solutions below


I actually only wanted to share string so in array I added a string object and passed that array in activity type. In info I did the following settings

1) Documents Types Name : String Types : public.data

Additional document type properties CFBundleTypeRole : Array

2) Exported UTIs Description : receive string(did not effect) Identifier : com.appname.str Conforms To : public.data

Additional exported UTI properties 1) UTTypeTagSpecification : Array

3) Imported UTIs Description : Receive string Identifier : text file Conforms to : public.data

Additional imported UTI properties 1) UTTypeTagSpecification : Array

I researched many places and mostly found Document type and exported UTI Types are important.

Also found the below turtorials very helpful 1) http://www.appcoda.com/ios7-airdrop-programming-tutorial/ 2) https://engineering.eventbrite.com/setting-the-title-of-airdrop-shares-under-ios-7/